The Industrial Revolution
Window to the World
Fight the Power
The Thing Around Your Neck
The Best Place in the World

This invention by James Watt in the late 18th century became a driving force of the Industrial Revolution, greatly improving efficiency in factories and transportation.

What is the steam engine?


This term refers to the deceptive practice by companies to appear environmentally friendly when their practices are not.

What is greenwashing?


This disastrous economic and social campaign was launched by Mao Zedong in 1958, leading to widespread famine.

What is the Great Leap Forward?


This short story from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's collection focuses on Nnamabia, a university student who ends up in a corrupt Nigerian prison.

What is "Cell One"?


This index measures the ecological efficiency with which human well-being is delivered around the world.

What is the Happy Planet Index (HPI)?


This term describes the massive movement of people from rural areas to cities during the Industrial Revolution.

What is urbanization?


This artistic form uses humor and satire to comment on political events and social issues.

What is a political cartoon?


The death of this man in police custody in 2020 sparked global protests and renewed focus on the Black Lives Matter movement.

Who is George Floyd?


This protagonist of "Imitation"  grapples with the revelation of her husband's affair.

Who is Nkem?


This economic measure, adjusted for purchasing power parity (PPP), is used in the HDI to assess standard of living.

What is gross national income (GNI) per capita?


This multi-spindle frame, invented by James Hargreaves, significantly increased yarn production.

What is the Spinning Jenny?


This phenomenon involves travellers visiting locations primarily to take photos for social media.

What is Instagram tourism?


This active listening technique involves restating what the speaker has said in your own words to ensure understanding.

What is paraphrasing?


The protagonist's goal in "The American Embassy," which means to seek refuge from political persecution.

What is asylum?


Dollar Street categorizes households from different countries based on this financial measure.

What is monthly income?


Written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, this 1848 document critiqued the effects of the Industrial Revolution on the working class.

What is "The Communist Manifesto"?


This Swiss-Lebanese cartoonist is known for his political cartoons published in international newspapers.

Who is Patrick Chappatte?


This influential figure was a leading member of the Committee of Public Safety during the Reign of Terror.

Who is Maximilien Robespierre?


The event that brings Chika and the Hausa woman together in "A Private Experience."

What is a market riot?


A GINI coefficient of this value represents perfect equality in income distribution.

What is 0?


This group of English workers in the early 19th century destroyed machinery they believed threatened their jobs.

Who are the Luddites?


This map projection was created by Buckminster Fuller and represents the Earth's continents with minimal distortion.

What is the Dymaxion Map?


These are two significant events in Tunisia and Libya, respectively, associated with the Arab Spring.

What are the Jasmine Revolution and the Libyan Civil War?


This artifact symbolizes the protagonist's connection to her Nigerian heritage in "Imitation."

What is a Benin mask?


The SDGs are part of this broader UN plan for sustainable development.

What is the 2030 Agenda?