Mexican American History
Mexican American History
Events Leading Up to the Civil War
The Civil War
This treaty between the U.S. and Mexico enabled the U.S. to acquire the present-day states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico, as well as parts of Colorado and Wyoming.
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
This was was an agreement between the United States and Mexico to bring workers to the U.S. to provide cheap labor in exchange for the promise of housing, food, healthcare, and no discrimination.
What is the Bracero Program?
This act made it impossible for a black person accused of being a runaway slave to testify against their capture in court?
What is the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850?
This attack is considered the first official battle of the Civil War.
What is the attack at Fort Sumter?
This word, a noun, describes the result of measures that opposed the progress in civil rights for African Americans made during Reconstruction.
What is disenfranchisement?
The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo that ended the Mexican War had drawn the U.S.–Mexican border in such a way that constructing a transcontinental railroad route was all but impossible, but this land deal made it possible.
What is the Gadsden Purchase?
In this program, local law enforcement groups would round up and deport Mexican immigrants and Mexican-Americans who were seen as threats to Americans needing jobs during the Great Depression.
What is repatriation?
This man was captured and accused of being a runaway slave in Brooklyn, NY shortly after the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was passed, but was eventually brought back home due to the efforts of abolitionists.
Who is James Hamlet?
This abolitionists was the most photographed man of his time and gave an important speech challenging the idea that the Constitution supports slavery.
Who is Frederick Douglass?
A clause in this amendment makes it possible for the United States to maintain a version of slavery.
What is the 13th Amendment?
Mexicans fled to the U.S. as a result of this conflict in their own country.
What is the Mexican Revolution?
This act was created by Congress to protect undocumented immigrants who were illegally in the country by providing them a way to become legal immigrants. It penalized employers who took advantage of illegal immigrants.
What is the Immigration Reform and Control Act?
This famous compromise prohibited slavery in the Louisiana Territory north of the 36 30’ latitude line but it admitted Missouri as a slave state. Maine, which was also trying to join the Union at the time, was admitted as a free state to ensure that there were equal slave and free states in the country.
What is the Missouri Compromise?
The term given to enslaved people who began escaping to Union territory shortly after the beginning of the Civil War. Some Union generals and officers refused to comply with the Fugitive Slave Act and return them.
Who are "contrabands"?
These laws were enacted in certain southern states in an attempt to restrict the freedom of former slaves. They outlawed the right to vote, own land, and made it illegal not to have a job.
What are Black Codes?
In response to the influx of immigrants as a result of the Mexican Revolution, the U.S. government established this means of controlling the entry of undocumented (illegal) aliens.
What is the U.S. Border Patrol?
This is a trade agreement that was meant to stimulate/improve/increase economic growth in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico by making it easier to trade and invest among these countries.
What is the North American Free Trade Agreement?
This landmark Supreme Court case took place when a Missouri slave sued for his freedom, claiming that his residence in free territories made him a free man. The Supreme Court ruled that "people of African Ancestry are not" citizens and therefore can't sue or enjoy the rights of citizens.
What is Dread Scott v. Missouri?
Historians believe this official declaration was inspired by the following factors: - to make it legal for the Union to keep "contrabands" - to make it clear that if the Union won, slavery would be abolished
What is the Emancipation Proclamation?
Reconstruction ended in this year as a result of a shady election when Southern Democrats agreed to support Hayes' claim for the presidency if he would agree to end Reconstruction.
What is 1877?
In January 13 1846, this president sent orders to General Taylor to occupy the disputed area between the Nueces and Rio Grande Rivers, causing the U.S. and Mexico to disagree whether this area is now the southern border of the United States or the northern border of Mexico.
Who is President Polk?
This movement (which means "strike") was led by Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez to demand civil rights for Mexican American and Filipino farm workers who were working in subhuman conditions.
What is La Helga?
In this attack, the members of the Lancaster Black Self-Protection Society attacked fugitive slave catchers with pitchforks, axes, and guns.
What is the Christiana Riot
This Confederate General surrendered to the Union General Grant at Wilmer McClean's house in the village of Appomattox Court House, ending the Civil War.
Who is General Robert E Lee?
Similar to Black Codes, these laws, which were in place from 1877-1960s, legally enforced racial segregation.
What are Jim Crow laws?