Colonialism in Africa
Unit 5 SWC Asia
I Am Malala
How much of Africa had been colonized by Europeans in 1870? What was the name of the meeting where Europeans decided to divide up Africa?
10%, Berlin Conference
Israel and Palestine were divided into separate areas of government by the United Nations in 1948, called...
the UN Partition Plan of Palestine
What is the definition of "terrorism"?
Terrorism is using violence or intimidation for a political aim
The most widely spoken language in Africa is _________. This is a direct legacy of colonialism because this nation ______________ had the largest control of Africa from 1808-1966.
English, Great Britain
What are two reasons that Southwest Asia is known as the "cradle of civilization"?
it was where the first cities were created, it was where agriculture/farming started, and it was where 3 of the major religions (Islam, Judaism, Christianity) were started
In 2003, George W Bush justified the invasion of Iraq in 2003 by saying that they had...
Weapons of mass destruction
When South Africa decided to segregate all life in the country between Blacks, whites, and "Coloreds" in 1948, they named these laws...
In Afghanistan, the Taliban brutally enforced a dress code that required women to be covered in a voluminous, tent-like full-body outer garment that covers them from head to toe, known as a...
The group that was an Islamic fundamentalist political movement that first rose to power in Afghanistan in 1994
the Taliban
Nigeria today has 250 groups with each their own unique culture shared among people in their group, known as...
ethnic groups
What are three examples of nonrenewable energy sources?
coal, oil/petroleum, natural gas (i.e. fossil fuels)
In the story, Malala witnesses on TV the assassination of Benazhir Butto who was...
the first female Prime Minister of Pakistan
What was the disease that prevented Europeans from colonizing Africa until the late 19th century?
What does "HDI" stand for and what does it measure?
Human Development Index - the measure of quality of life, adding in GDP per capita and other factors
What was the "Bush Doctrine"?
America would go to war with terrorism making no distinction between the terrorists and the nations that harbored them