What are the nouns in this sentence?
The dog ran across the yard.
What are dog and yard?
This country ruled over the American colonies before the Revolutionary War.
What is Britain (or England)?
The punctuation mark that goes at the end of a sentence that states or commands something.
What is a period?
Fix this sentence:
i love to read books
I love to read books.
Two words that share the same ending sound are called what?
What are rhyming words?
A verb is an action word. What is the verb in this sentence? What tense is it in?
She quickly jumped over the puddle?
What is jumped? What is past tense?
The Declaration of Independence was signed on this date in 1776.
What is July 4, 1776?
The punctuation mark that is used to separate items in a list.
What is a comma?
Fix this sentence:
do you like ice cream
Do you like ice cream?
This historical document uses the words "All men are created equal."
What is The Declaration of Independence?
Find the adverb in this sentence, and tell me if it answers "how", "when", or "where"?
The boy carefully carried his project to school.
What is carefully? What is "how"?
This man is famous for warning the colonists that the British were coming.
Who is Paul Revere?
What punctuation marks belong in this sentence?
Wow that was an amazing game
What is an exclamation mark?
Wow! That was an amazing game!
Fix this sentence:
yesterday we goed to the zoo and seed lions
Yesterday, we went to the zoo and saw lions.
The punctuation mark that we use in a contraction to replace missing letters.
What is an apostrophe?
Identify the prepositional phrase in this sentence:
We ate lunch under the big oak tree.
What is "under the big oak tree"?
The event where some colonists disguised themselves, boarded British ships, and dumped tea into the Boston Harbor.
What is the Boston Tea Party?
Where does the comma belong in this sentence:
Before we go to the mall we need to finish our homework.
Before we go to the mall, we need to finish our homework.
Fix this sentence:
my mom and dad takes me to school every day
My mom and dad take me to school every day.
Two words that mean the same thing, like "happy" and "joyful".
What is a synonym?
Rewrite this sentence with a pronoun.
Jimmy and Eddy went to Jimmy and Eddy's favorite park to play.
Jimmy and Eddy went to their favorite park to play.
This agreement was written in 1787 to create the laws for the United States and is still used today.
What is the U.S. Constitution?
Add the missing quotation marks and comma in this sentence:
Rosie said I can't wait for the field trip tomorrow!
Rosie said, "I can't wait for the field trip tomorrow!"
Fix this sentence:
jason said i want to play soccer after school
Jason said, "I want to play soccer after school."
This famous American is known for saying "Give me liberty, or give me death!"
Who is Patrick Henry?