Humanities Mix Up
Times they are a changing: Really Renaissance
Rabbits, Culture, and Fences
Oh My!
Othello and Other Things Shakespeare
Mockingbirds Sing

If you hand a paper in with this on it, Mr. Cohn will get very angry. 

What are the fringes on paper?


Many renaissance men and women believed in this secular philosophy that focused on a renewed interest in Greek and Roman Art, Literature and Philosophy.

What is humanism?


This person was an aboriginal activist who used satire to call attention to the atrocities committed against the Aboriginal people. 

Who is Burnam Burnum?


The play opens in this Italian City state.

What is Venice?


This period of time in US History was marked by a dramatic economic downturn, a stock market crash, and massive unemployment.

What is the Great Depression?


This is the organization that we are doing the book drive for. 

Books Behind Bars.


Both of these artists sculpted Davids

Who are Donatello and Michelangelo?


Children who were half aboriginal and half white were called this.

What are half-castes?


This is the position that Iago holds that he feels is beneath him.

What is an ensign or ancient?


While To Kill A Mockingbird took place in the 1930s, Harper Lee's novel was actually published in this year, calling attention to the continued issue of racial inequality in this nation.

What is 1960?


The Nacirema is an example of this.

What is an ethnography?


This political theorist said it was better to be feared than loved.

Who is Machiavelli?


In the Danger of a Single Story, Chimamanda Adichie named two authors that continued the tradition of telling false narratives about Africa.  Who were they?  

Who is Rudyard Kipling and John Lok?


Shakespeare refers to Iago as this roman God with two faces.

Who is Janus?


These are the only words spoken by Boo Radley in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird.

What is "will you take me home"?


Cal takes Jem and Scout to church with her. What is the name of the church and what do the children see and hear Zeebo do at church that is so surprising to them?

What is First Purchase Church and what is hearing Zeebo sing?


The perfect example of a renaissance man, this inventor, sculptor and painter is best known for how he depicted a woman smile.

Who is Leonardo Da Vinci?


Believing in the superiority of one's own ethnic culture.

What is ethnocentrism?


Iago loves to gives these speeches when he is either alone on stage or no one can hear him.

What is a soliloquy?


A mob killing that is extralegal and often targeted african american men, accused of raping white women.

What is a lynching?


This is the name of David Good's non-profit organization to assist indigenous cultures.

What is The Good Project?


These three city states were the birth place of the Italian Renaissance.

What is Milan, Venice and Florence?


The Universe of Obligation was coined by this female sociologist. 

Who is Helen Fein?


This is where Othello being sent to defend.

What is Cyprus?


In creating this story line of Tom Robinson, Harper Lee may have been influenced by this real life court case from the 1930s when several African American boys were accused of raping two white women on a train.

What is the Scottsboro Boys case?