MLA Citations
All About Reading
Essay Euphoria
Analyzing Literature
Analyzing More Literature
The 4 parts of an MLA cited text evidence.

What is introductory phrase, quotation marks, direct quote, and a parenthetical citation?

The amount of books each student should read by the end of the year.

What is 5 to 10 books?


The number of paragraphs in a standard essay and the 3 types of paragraps.

What are 5 paragraphs: introduction paragraph, body paragraph, and conclusion paragraph?


Life lesson that the character learns in the text.

What is theme? 


The reasons behind creating a piece of writing and the three types.

What is author's purpose: to entertain, to inform, and to persuade?


True or false: commas are standard punctuation after the author's name in a parenthetical citation

What is false?


The two types of books that independent reading journals are based on.

What is fiction and non-fiction?


Name the parts of the introduction paragraph.

What is a hook, background knowledge, and a thesis statement?


The author's, speakers, or narrators attitude about a subject.

What is tone? 


When we make a claim about a text, we need this to support it.

What is citing evidence or evidence from the text?


Add the punctuation: In Dear Martin it says, The black kids expected me to know all the cultural references and slang, and the white kids expected me to 'act' black Stone 103. 

What is quotation marks before 'The' and after the second 'black' and parentheses before 'Stone' and after '103'?


Name five different book genres.

Answers will vary - What are romance, mystery, comedy, drama, adventure, historical fiction, realistic, etc?


The part of the essay that all body paragraph claims should align to and that all evidence supports.

What is the thesis statement?


The perspective the narrator holds in relation to the events of the story.

What is point of view?


Offers research and an analysis of what happened at the event by people who were not present for the event.

What is a secondary source?


Find the mistake: Dumbledore advised "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities" (Rowling page 353).

What is there is no comma after the introductory phrase and there should not be the word page?


Name a strategy you can use when you have read a paragraph or passage and don't understand what it is about.

Answers will vary: What is go back and reread the passage? What is to stop and write the gist/main idea for each paragraph? What is to look for clues in the text structure, such as headings, subtitles, etc?


The purpose of the conclusion paragraph

What is to summarize the main ideas and restate them in a new way, while also leaving the reader with something to think about?


A firsthand account about an event where the person directly experienced or observed the topic or event.

What is a primary source?


Descriptive adjectives that show aspects of a person's behavior or personality.

What are character traits?


Use your independent reading book and write out a proper MLA citation without any mistakes. 

Answers will vary based on book - Mary or peer can check. Introductory phrase, "direct quote word for word" (Author's last name #). 


Discuss what you have noticed about yourself as a reader this year.

Answers will vary: What is I am enjoying reading more? What is I realized I am liking a specific genre or type of book? What is I am a faster reader when I enjoy my book? What is I enjoy books with illustrations? 

The difference between a bibliography and works cited.

What is a bibliography is all of the sources you looked at during your essay research, while a works cited is specifically the sources that you used in your essay?


When the author directly or indirectly tells us about a character using thoughts, words, and actions.

What is characterization?


Words before and after an unknown or new word that can help us to determine the meaning.

What are context clues?