When is Alannahs birthday?
May 8th
On average how long is one anime episode?
30 minutes
When is my birthday?
February 24th
When was Youtube created?
14 February 2005
When is Samanthas birthday?
September 12th
What is definition of anime?
A style of Japanese film and television animation, typically aimed at adults as well as children.
What anime is this meme from?https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f1/bf/81/f1bf8172923bd75f3d7d4ff2bae62655.jpg
The Promised Neverland
Will we all be single pringles on Valentines Day next year?
Probably except for Hannah
Which Youtuber has the most subscribers?
When is Lianas birthday?
January 10th
What is the most popular anime?
Dragon Ball
What characters are in this meme? https://preview.redd.it/mnppbnk7luo21.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=56e35b155d505121dbd2a8a22c6e31ee7ec03557
Naofumi, Raphtalia, Melty and Filo
What is the ratio of men to women?
Who is the CEO Youtube?
Susan Wojcicki
When is Meikas birthday?
June 17th
What was the first anime to be created?
Hakujaden, 1958
Which anime characters are in this meme? https://i.imgflip.com/2vple5.jpg
Natsu, Gray, Carla, Happy, Wendy, Lucy and Erza
What anime did I watch that Samantha doesn't want to ever talk about?
Goblin Slayer
Which Youtuber cosplayed Junko Enoshima for their senior picture day?
Ghost Cos
When is Hannahs birthday?
July 3rd
What was the longest anime created(this anime is still ongoing)?
Which anime characters are in this meme? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DkxKj72U8AAVuxw.jpg
Lelouch, C.C, Kallen, Shirley, Suzaku, Euphemia, Nunnally, Nina, Villetta, Jeremiah, Cornelia, Lloyd, Kaname, Milly, Rakshata, ShinichirÅ, Kyoshiro, Anya, Diethard, Rivalz, Cecile, Kaguya, Rolo, Arthur, Sayoko, Empress Tianzi, Schneizel, Mao, Li Xingke, Todo and Gino
What is the most viewed anime op and which anime is it from?
No Game, No Life's opening by the name of This Game
What is the most viewed music video?