Intuitive Eating
Hormones/The Body
Fullness vs. Satisfaction
Internal/External Cues

Honoring your hunger is an important step to build what type of trust?

What is...Trust between you and your body?


______ or the first HAES principle, is to accept and respect the inherent diversity of body shapes and sizes and reject the idealizing or pathologizing of specific weights.

What is...Weight inclusivity?


It's an area of the brain that produces hormones & control

What is...the hypothalamus?


What is fullness?

What is...the physical sensation of satiety?


Hunger cues sent by your hypothalamus mean that you need what?



True or False: some foods are morally superior to others

What is.. False? 

Food is food and does not naturally become "good or bad", these labels are placed onto the food in diet culture focused society's. 


True or false: Weight loss will prolong life.

What is...False?

No one has ever shown that losing weight prolongs life. Some studies actually indicate that intentional weight loss increases the risk of dying early from certain diseases.


The hypothalamus senses energy intake and energy stores, and regulates what in response to your energy needs?

What is.... appetite?


What is the definition of satisfaction?

What is...the mental sensation of satiety?


True or false: When our body and mind knows that it is getting taken care of, eventually it stops worrying that another restrictive period will come.

What is...True?

Once the body is nourished adequately, overtime the mind will stop worrying about the next meal


What is an intuitive eating tool that can be used to check-in with hunger and fullness cues?

What is... the hunger and fullness scale?


Eating for well-being promotes flexible, individualized eating based on hunger, satiety, nutritional needs, and pleasure, rather than any externally regulated eating plan focused on what?

What is... weight control?


Restriction teaches us to ignore what?

What is... the first signs of hunger?


As humans, we are hardwired to seek out ________ from food through this sensory experience.

What is...pleasure?

Without satisfaction, therefore, it’s unlikely you’ll turn off the drive to eat


Following recommendations from a dietitian or following a meal plan that tells you how you should be eating are examples of following _____.

What is...external cues?


"What do I really want to eat?", "What food would hit the spot at this moment?",  "How do I want to feel when I finish eating?" are all examples of questions that relate to this IE principle?

What is... 6th principle: discover the satisfaction factor?


This principle promotes flexible, individualized eating based on hunger, satiety, nutritional needs, and pleasure, rather than any externally regulated eating plan focused on weight control.

What is...Intuitive Eating or Eating for well-being?


What hormone increases appetite, is made in the stomach, and signals the brain when you are hungry?

What is... ghrelin?

Through repeated cycles of restriction and binging/overeating, hunger and fullness become extreme ___________.

What is....sensations?


Eating when you feel hungry or start thinking about food, and drinking water when you start to feel thirsty is an example of listening to _________.

What is...internal cues?


This eating practice involves honoring your mental and physical health which involves how many guiding intuitive eating principles?

What is... 10 intuitive principles.

1. Reject the diet mentality 

2. Honor your hunger

3. Make peace with food. 

4. Challenge the food police

5. Discover the satisfaction factor

6. Feel your fullness

7. Cope with your emotions with kindness

8. Respect your body 

9. Movement - feel the difference 

10. Honor your health - gentle nutrition 

What physical symptoms might you experience if you are doing well with your meal plan?

What is... having more energy, eating regular meals and snacks, reducing ED behaviors, mindful movement, eating more of a variety of foods, and improving health markers such as blood sugar and blood pressure levels?


What hormone in the body decreases appetite? 

What is...leptin?


How do we get back in touch with our hunger and fullness cues?

What is... by feeding our bodies adequately throughout the day?

This means eating a satisfying meal or snack every 2-3 hours, and checking-in on our hunger and fullness cues.


Our cues (and connection to cues) can be influenced by a variety of factors, including hormonal changes, physical activity, body nourishment, and what?

What is.... sleep?