This is where all communications are located.
What is Communications tab?
The name and tracking number match in facilitator to what the customer gave you.
What is verified.
The customer is calling in wanting to know why they got this letter.
What is Why did I receive this letter? [Only Solicitation LETTER sent]
Jesus love her
Who is Mayami
The caller ends up requesting to speak to a supervisor
What is Escalation/Supervisor Call
It's MY MONEY and I need it NOW!!!!!
What is Payments tab
I am not the authorized representative of the estate.
What is not able to verify.
The customer is calling asking for an update on their check.
What is I was told I would be receiving a check, but I haven’t received it yet.
Loves Wings
Who is Alexa
Agent makes outbound call to customer, and did not speak with customer, but had to leave a voicemail.
What is Other/Miscellaneous
Based on your feedback, we will issue you a check for $[Solicitation Payment amount].
What is Claim Information tab
We found the customers record with their address and the address and name they gave match what is on the record.
What is verified.
The customer has not gotten a payment and wants to know if they were charged for the add-on product.
What is Was I charged for this add-on product? [For Solicitation Letter/No payment] If yes, how much was I charged?
Got Jokes
Who Is Marlon
Caller asks to delete their data, remove their information from system, states they do no want to be contacted.
What is Do not Contact/Do Not Contact Completed
I'm not going to cash this 5$ check. I don't want it!!!
What is Do Not Contact - Stop Remediation Reminder Outreach
The caller has given us their name and reference number and it matches what is on the record and then we ask for their DOB.
What is too much PII.
The customer wants to know how they got the add-on package.
What is Who opened this account/enrolled me in a product and how could they do that without my knowing? If a team member did this, did they get fired?
Let her Cook!!!
Who is Mayami
Caller is requesting a reissue but the check has been cashed and would like a copy of the check.
What is Escalation/ FAQ Alignment
I already mailed you the documentation needed for my reissue request. Can you tell me if it was received?
What is Incoming Documents section on the Communication Tab
The person on the record is giving permission to speak with another person and they have only given you their name.
What is not verified.
The caller is a Wells Fargo banker and they are asking for a SOTA code.
What is Wells Fargo representative asks for a SOTA or one-time authentication code.
Has 4 dogs and a Snake
Who is Marlon
Customer asked what the letter is in regards to as well as inquired about a reissue and mentions he was a service member and asked if he was affect during that time we attempt to transfer but are unsuccessful.
What is Special Handling/SCRA Referral