This is where the Final Showdown of the Hunger Games takes place
The Cornucopia
This character's death is blamed on Peeta
This is how Katniss and Peeta outsmart the Gamemakers in the arena
Eat the poison berries
Katniss tricks Peeta into eating this by saying they are 'sugar berries' like back home
Sleep Syrup
"Yes, frosting. The final defense of the dying."
This is where Katniss found Peeta
This character let Katniss escape as a way to repay a debt to his district partner
Katniss learns this about Peeta during their Victory Interview
He lost his leg
This is what it's called when the Gamemakers gather the remaining tributes together to give them something, guaranteeing a fight
A Feast
"Right now, the most dangerous part of the Hunger Games is about to begin."
This is where the hospital that Katniss and Peeta were kept in was located
Under the Tribute Center
This is the female character of the only other pair of district partners
Peeta reveals this is when he first fell in love with Katniss.
On the first day of school after hearing her sing
This is what the winner of the Hunger Games is called
The Victor
"I promised Cato, if he let me have you, I'd give the audience a good show."
This is where all of the supplies each tribute needed in the arena were
The Feast
This character is the one that Katniss heard yelling outside of her hospital room.
Haymitch attempted to stop the Gamemakers from doing this to Katniss while she was in the hospital
Plastic Surgery
This is what Katniss ties to make sure that Peeta doesn't bleed out from his leg wound
"When did you realize you were in love with him?"
This is where Katniss admits to Peeta that she isn't sure what her feelings are
The Train
This is the first person Katniss sees when she wakes up in the hospital room
Broke it in half
This is the name of the poison berries that Katniss and Peeta attempted to eat
"Word is the Capitol's furious about you showing them up in the arena. The one thing they can't stand is being laughed at and they're the joke of Panem."