Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
What is constant surveillance?
This element of a dystopian society can be seen through the example of TV monitors watching the tributes' every move as well as monitoring Katniss and Peeta's conversations up on the roof.
Compare and Contrast Theseus and Katniss Everdeen.
Theseus was unhappy with the law Prince Aegean created that required children being sacrificed to the minotaur and volunteered to fight the creature in order to stop this tradition. Katniss volunteered in place of her sister Prim in order to save her life. Both came out as victors in the end of their story.
Why doesn't Peeta know about the poisonous berries?
Even though Peeta and his family came from the same poor district as Katniss and her family, the Mellarks had access to a few more resources than Katniss due to their job in the district. He never had to hunt for food.
Why/How are the tributes being controlled by the Gamemakers in the arena? Give specific examples from the text.
The Capitol watches the games for entertainment purposes. if the game starts to get boring, the Gamemakers create reasons to speed up the death process and making it more eventful. Examples: forest fire, wild dog attacks, eliminating water supply.
What are the elements of a dystopian society?
Constant surveillance, restricted freedom, an illusion of a perfect world, conforming to established expectations and oppressive government.
What is Katniss' reaction to Peeta being her competitor in the Hunger Games.
Katniss is concerned that she will not be able to kill Peeta because of his act of kindness (giving her bread). She wishes he never would have done that favor for her because now she feels like she owes him and would feel guilty killing someone who was nice to her.
What does Peeta say is his goal for the games?
He doesn't want the Capitol to change who he is (make him a killer) and control every part of him. He wants to die as himself.
What are Katniss' strategies for surviving the game? Provide an example from the text.
Going along with the "star-crossed lovers" concept and using prior knowledge on animals, hunting, and resources.
What are the inspirations for of the Hunger Games?
Theseus and the Minotaur, reality TV and war.
How does Katniss decide that she will provide for her and her family?
Katniss will hunt for game and trade it in the Hob. Prim will use her goat to sell milk and cheese. Katniss' mother will run the apothecary shop with Prim's help and create medicines using the herb book her father left behind.
Why doesn't Haymitch have to tell Peeta how to act and what to say during the interviews after the games are over?
Peeta is actually in love with Katniss and doesn't have to pretend about his intentions of killing himself. he was willing to sacrifice his life so that Katniss could win and return home. Katniss isn't sure about her feelings for Peeta and used the berries to outsmart the Capitol.
Explain Katniss' reasoning for not showing emotion in the reaping.
Katniss didn't want people to seem she was weak and ruin her chances of getting sponsors to help her during the games.
Which dystopian element is demonstrated through the example of the fence that Gale and Katniss must go under in order to hunt for game?
What is restricted freedom?
Why were Katniss' kind actions for Rue after she had died left out of the victor's recap at the end of the book?
Because it people aren't suppose to be sentimental about their competitors and should be focused on killing them. Showing this to the audience in addition to the trouble she is in with the berries might give others ideas about how to rebel against the Capitol.
Why does Peeta end up with the Careers at the beginning of the games?
Peeta is trying to protect Katniss and fought off Cato to give Katniss time to run far away from the rest of the tributes. Peeta knows all of Katniss' strengths and knows how she got an 11 from the Gamemakers.
Why is it a "slight touch of rebellion" to have Peeta and Katniss hold hands during the tribute parade?
Only one victor is suppose to come out alive at the end of the games. Tributes are suppose to look at each other as enemies. This is going against the capitol's expectations of pinning each tribute against one another.
Explain how the novel, The Hunger Games, demonstrates all of the dystopian elements.
What is President Snow/the Capitol (oppressive government), monitoring conversations and the tributes' actions in the arena (constant surveillance), sets of districts that must follow rules in order to maintain order (illusion of a perfect world), participating in the yearly hunger games (conforming to expectations) and the fence that keeps the people of district 12 safe (restricted freedom).
How are Katniss history of debts with Peeta similar to the debt Thresh had with Katniss? Were both debts paid off?
Peeta saved Katniss' life when she was starving. Katniss feels she could never pay her debt off because she's in the games with Peeta and feels bad killing him. Thresh lets Katniss live because she was nice to Rue and formed an alliance with her and gave her a nice burial.
Explain Peeta's second kill with Foxface.
Foxface doesn't like to fight but is very good at hiding and being discreet. She must have been following Peeta and Katniss and saw that Peeta picked berries not knowing they were poisonous and ate them.
Describe Katniss' reactions to her prep-teams reactions to the games once she has come back from the arena.
Her prep-team was talking about their reactions and what they were doing while watching the games while Katniss was actually involved in the games starving and killing people. These people are members of the Capitol and uses the games as a form of entertainment. It shows the Capitol people only think about themselves and don't really care about what happens to the people in the games and how they feel.