District 12
The Reaping

Which of the following statements best describes District 12?

A.  a wealthy coal-mining district with bright, distinct colors

B.  a coal region that is dark, poor, and not well-respected

C.  an area that is becoming revitalized through rebuilding and hard work

D.  a desolate area that is void of food and sunshine

B.  a coal region that is dark, poor, and not well-respected


What significant connection does Katniss have to Peeta?

A.  He served as her lifeline by tossing burnt bread at her so she could survive.

B.  He taught her how to identify the edible plant, Katniss, after which she was named.

C.  Madge and Peeta were the only childhood friends Katniss had.

D.  Peeta’s father knew Katniss’ mother.


A.  He served as her lifeline by tossing burnt bread at her so she could survive.


What is an Avox?

A.  Someone who has committed a crime and had his/her tongue cut so he/she can’t speak

B.  A traitor who has been exiled from the Capitol

C.  A popular, dog-like animal that the Capitol residents carry around in purses

D.  A mail-order company for cosmetics used by the Capitol residents

A.  Someone who has committed a crime and had his/her tongue cut so he/she can’t speak


Why are certain tributes referred to as “Careers”?

A.  They are kids from wealthier districts who’ve been trained their whole lives for this contest.

B.  They are the tributes sponsored by the Capitol.

C.  They are paid contestants who wish to have careers as mercenaries.

D.  They are the tallest, strongest contestants.


A.  They are kids from wealthier districts who’ve been trained their whole lives for this contest.


What act of defiance did District 12 engage in?

A.  They made the sign of the mockingjay in unison.

B.  Not one single person clapped when Katniss took the stage at the reaping.

C.  They refused to allow Prim to be chosen for the reaping.

D.  No one made eye contact with the camera as it panned the crowd.


B.  Not one single person clapped when Katniss took the stage at the reaping.


What is the meaning of the phrase, “the protocol has become rusty” from page 22?

A.  The directions for the reaping were lost many years ago.

B.  The directors are trying to decide whether they will accept Katniss as a volunteer.

C.  The glass ball containing the names of the entrants is very old.

D.  The directors are confused because it’s been a very long time since a volunteer has surfaced during the reaping.

D.  The directors are confused because it’s been a very long time since a volunteer has surfaced during the reaping.


Why does Katniss avoid crying at all costs?

A.  She does not want to show her family she is upset…and therefore, cause them more pain.

B.  She fears that Peeta will feel the need to protect her and, therefore, jeopardize himself.

C.  There are always cameras on them, and she does not want to appear weak…nor does she want to give the Capitol the pleasure.

D.  She suspects the Capitol will rank her higher if she appears brave.

C.  There are always cameras on them, and she does not want to appear weak…nor does she want to give the Capitol the pleasure.


Why do Cinna and Portia choose “flaming” costumes for Katniss and Peeta?

A.  They want to intimidate the other tributes with an outlandish, devilish costume.

B.  They believe the bright colors will attract more sponsors.

C.  They want to send a covert message to the underground movement that is organizing against the Capitol.

D.  Tributes typically wear costumes that represent the flavor of the district, and coal is used to burn.

D.  Tributes typically wear costumes that represent the flavor of the district, and coal is used to burn.


Why does Katniss shoot an arrow at the Game makers’ table?

A.  She does it in retaliation for being sent into the Hunger Games.

B.  She wants to show off her arrow shooting ability.

C.  She misunderstands the rules of the preliminary rounds.

D.  She feels disrespected because they are more concerned with a roasted pig than her arrow shooting.

D.  She feels disrespected because they are more concerned with a roasted pig than her arrow shooting.


What prompted Katniss to begin hunting in the woods, even though she knows it is illegal?

A.  It was her only option in order to keep her family alive following her father’s death

B.  Her father directed her to hunt in the woods in order to supplement his pay from the mines.

C.  She likes to show off her skills with a knife since very few of the residents can use one

D.  It was the only way to spend time with Gale, her hunting partner


A.  It was her only option in order to keep her family alive following her father’s death


The story opens on the day of the _________________.

A.  reaping          B.  tributes          C.  Hunger Games            D.  Seam

A.  reaping


Who gives Katniss the gold mockingjay pin to wear in The Hunger Games?

A.  Gale                B.  Peeta              C.  Prim                 D.  Madge


D.  Madge


What impact did Gale have on Katniss’ life?

A.  Gale taught her additional survival skills, divided the work and spoils, and gave her security through his companionship.

B.  Gale filled the void left by the literal loss of her father and the metaphorical loss of her mother, and his companionship was like that of a husband.

C.  Gale taught Katniss how to be a survivor and stand up for herself.

D.  Gale showed Katniss attention when nobody else did, increasing her self-worth and self-esteem.

A.  Gale taught her additional survival skills, divided the work and spoils, and gave her security through his companionship.


Why is it important for Katniss to receive a high score in the training arena?

A.  A high score will intimidate the other tributes, making them avoid Katniss until the very end.

B.  High-scoring tributes often form alliances with one another, which keeps them alive longer.

C.  High-scoring tributes often attract more sponsors, which can be helpful in the Hunger Games.

D.  A high score will cause the Capitol to take her seriously.

C.  High-scoring tributes often attract more sponsors, which can be helpful in the Hunger Games.


How many entries did Primrose have in the Hunger Games lottery?

A.  0       B.  2        C.  1        D.  5

C.  1  


What can the reader infer to be the cause of Haymitch’s drunken state?

A.  He has plenty of money from having won his Hunger Games, so he spends it on liquor.

B.  He is emotionally distraught from having murdered 23 fellow contestants in his Hunger Games, and he drinks to avoid thinking about it.

C.  He lost his daughter in a previous Hunger Games and drinks to avoid breaking down over her death.

D.  He has been unable to find work in the impoverished District 12, so he drinks to fill the time.


B.  He is emotionally distraught from having murdered 23 fellow contestants in his Hunger Games, and he drinks to avoid thinking about it.


What is the symbolic significance of the dandelion?

A.  It represents hope.

B.  It represents vengeance.

C.  It represents independence.

D.  It represents nature.

It represents hope.


Why is Katniss drawn to Rue?

A.  Rue reminds her of Prim.

B.  Rue does not have any friends at the Hunger Games, and Katniss feels sorry for her.

C.  Rue is the only tribute who bothers to be friendly to Katniss and Peeta.

D.  Rue is a strong tribute, and Katniss realizes they need her allegiance. 


A.  Rue reminds her of Prim.


Why does Katniss believe that “a kind Peeta Mellark is far more dangerous to me than an unkind one”?

A.  She realizes he will be harder to trust if he is running around being kind to everyone.

B.  She knows it will be harder to kill him if she believes he is a kind person.

C.  She thinks the audiences will like him better because he is kinder.

D.  She fears he is being fake and will turn on her when she least expects it.

B.  She knows it will be harder to kill him if she believes he is a kind person.


What does Haymitch see as Peeta and Katniss’ most useful skills for the arena?

A.  Peeta’s kindness and Katniss’ survival mentality

B.  The real-life romance between the two

C.  Their ability to go for long periods of time without food

D.  Peeta’s strength and Katniss’ ability to hunt with weapons

D.  Peeta’s strength and Katniss’ ability to hunt with weapons