Trending Artist
The name of the album that has the song "Esspresso"
What is Short'n'sweet from Sabrina Carpenter?
to stop texting or message someone.
Kendrick Lamars new album
What is GNX?
Amount of muisic Frank Ocean Produced. (almbums, tapes, mixtapes. etc.)
What is two studio albums, one visual album, one mixtape, 21 singles?
being disrespectful or talking trash to someone for no apparent reason
What is being MESSY , or putting DIRT ON YOUR NAME.
Number of years Mary has been acting
What is 7 years?
Taylor Swift Favorite color
What is purple?
Slang for over the top and extreme.
What is extra?
Tyler the creators middle name
What is gregory?
The slang word that means uncool.
what is CHEUGY?