1950s Social Culture
George W. Bush

This is the name of the housing development that involved identical houses with white fences meant only for white communities.

What is Levittown?


LBJ was this man's former vice-president.

Who was John F. Kennedy?


This is the name of the hotel that Nixon's Plumbers, a group that responded to leaks of Nixon's secret information and investigated Nixon's political enemies, were caught in as they tried to break into the offices of the Democratic National Commmittee in order to collect information about their election strategy for the 1972 election.

What is Watergate?


Bush was authorized to create the U.S. Department of Homeland Security under this legislation.

What was the Patriot Act?


This campaign initiative caused much controversy involving topics centered around increased government spending and illegal immigration.

What is the Trump wall?


This spurred the formation of the first McDonald's, Howard Johnson's, and Park-In Theatres.

What is the automobile?


This was the set of domestic programs launched by LBJ in an attempt to end racial injustice and poverty, and establish a higher standard of living in America.

What was the Great Society?


Nixon argued that this term gave him the right to withhold all tape conversations recorded in his office.

What is executive privilege?


The Bush administration was heavily criticized for its slow response to this event.

What was Hurricane Katrina?


This event resulted in the failure of Congress to accept Trumps $5.7 billion demand in federal funds for a U.S.-Mexican border.

What was the 2018-2019 federal government shutdown?


This was the ideal family man defined by the 50s' familial culture.

What is a middle-class, white suburban male who serves as provider and protector of the house?


This is the term for the way in which states redrew election districts based on the changing population.

What is reapportionment?


Nixon's NSA and later Secretary of State Henry Kissinger believed in what political term that describes basing foreign policies on realistic views of national interest rather than on general principles?

What is realpolitik?


Bush initiated this event primarily to remove the Taliban from power in Aghanistan.

What was the War on Terror?


This document provided proven evidence that the Putin administration of Russia interfered with the 2016 U.S. Presidentical Elections in order to ensure Clinton's failure to win the presidency.

What was the Muller report?


This movement categorized the rising rebellious nature of teenagers during the mid-twentieth century, evident through the rising popularization of 'rock N roll,' smoking weed, hand signs for world peace, and homosexuals. 

What is the counterculture movement?


This judicial body banned prayer in school, declared state-required oaths unconstitutional, and limited the power of the states to censor books and films. 

What was the Warren Court?


This policy ushered in an era of relaxed bilateral tensions between the United States and the two leading communist powers in China and the Soviet Union.

What was Nixon's policy of detente?


Bank failures, a crash of the housing market, mortage loans unable to be paid, and rapidly declining stock markets both at home and abroad caused this event as Bush prepared to leave office.

What was the Stock Market Crash of 2008?


This party won the 2018 midterm elections majority for the House of Representatives.

What is the Democratic Party?


This 1962 book written by Michael Harrington exposed the struggles of the poor in comparison to the rising prosperity of the middle class.

What is "The Other America"?


This is the type of notification customarily given by police to criminal suspects in police custody advising them of their right to silence; that is, their right to refuse to answer questions or provide information to law enforcement or other officials.

What are Miranda Rights?


This was the name of the peace treaty signed during Jimmy Carter's presidency that ended the Arab-Israeli conflict.

What were the Camp David Accords?


This was the Democratic candidate that George W. Bush defeated in the 2004 election.

Who was John Kerry?


On September 8, 2017, Trump signed an order designating $15 billion to aid this project

What was the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund?