Our rank in SDC for SIR
What is One
NPS is an acronym and HWA4's score
What is Net Promoter Score and 50?
Most common injury
What is sprains/strains?
What is zero?
Our unfavorable % for SBI in February
What is 9%?
Our rank in SDC for RIR(CD)
What is twelve?
The percent of injuries that become recordable
What is the percent RI Conversion?
The most injured tenure
What is 4-6 months?
What is 5.7?
Our unfavorable % for SLI in February
What is 6%?
Our rank in SDC for MSD RIR
What is twelve?
The percent of injuries that utilized the Wellness Center
What is % Utilization?
The location with top injuries
What is OB Dock?
What is 12.4?
Job level with 0% unfavorable answers for SLI
What is Level 6?
Our rank in SDC for LTIR
What is seventeen?
An associate does not report their injury prior to seeking outside medical care
What is "bypass"?
Amount of February injuries
What is seventeen?
What is 3.8
Tenure with the largest opportunity for SLI
What is 1-2 years?
Our rank in SDC for RIR (DMR)
What is fifteen?
Name one activity we are doing or have done to curb LTI's
What is Medical provider tours or Wellness Center Open House?
The 2 most injured body parts in February
What is the hand and shoulder?
What is 2.8?
Job level with 0% unfavorable answers for SBI
What is Level 4?