Hybrid Learning
Hybrid Learning

What is Hybrid Learning?

A. Approach to education that combines online educational methods with traditional in-person classroom methods?

B. Approach to education through ONLY online educational methods?

C. Approach to education through ONLY in-person classroom methods?

A. Approach to education that combines online educational methods with traditional in-person classroom methods


What type of Hybrid Learning involves student recording a portion of their teaching or clinical session to review and reflect on teaching videos in real time with coaches, mentor, or peers?

A. Discussion

B. Coaching

C. Group Projects

B. Coaching


In 2020, what was the biggest driver to adopt online learning?

A. University of Oklahoma online learning program

B. Covid-19

C. Sheppard Air Force Base Tech School

B. Covid-19


What type of Hybrid Learning involves small group meetings on zoom or held in person supported by virtual whiteboards, digital and physical collaboration tools used for brainstorming?

A. Group Projects

B. Discussion

C. Coaching

A. Group Projects


What type of Hybrid Learning discusses topics in small groups using Zoom or in person breakout rooms, and then return to larger groups to share.

A. Simulation/Experiential Learning

B. Collaborative Reading

C. Discussion

C. Discussion


What type of online hybrid learning assigns one of several reading before the class period. In class they join preassigned Zoom breakout rooms to discuss their assigned text, and then are re-shuffled into different groups to summarize their text to peers?

A. Collaborative Reading

B. Discussion

C. Coaching

A. Collaborative Reading


What type of Hybrid Learning shares a prompt with students on a whiteboard, poster, or us PollEverywhere and students respond. Instructors share the screen as responses update and are displayed in real time.

A. Coaching

B. Group Projects

C. Whole-Class Reflection

C. Whole-Class Reflection