Food Safety
Cross Contamination
Food Safety
Hydroponic Produce
Food-Borne Illness

Why is it important to wash your hands before handling food?

What is to prevent germs from spreading to the food?


What does 'cross contamination' mean?

What is when harmful germs move from one thing to another?


What is the main goal of food safety?

What is keeping food clean and safe to eat?


What does 'produce' mean?

What is fruits and vegetables that come from plants?


What is a food-borne illness?

What is a sickness caused by eating food with harmful germs or chemicals?


What should we always do before eating fruits and vegetables?

What is wash them


Why is cross contamination dangerous?

What is because it can make people sick by spreading harmful germs to food?


What do we need to do to stop harmful germs from getting into our food?

What is follow food safety rules, like washing hands and cleaning tools?


Name one type of produce that can be grown in your school’s hydroponic farm.

What is tomatoes, lettuce, leafy greens, herbs, and edible flowers. 


How can food-borne illnesses be prevented?

What is by following food safety rules like washing hands and cleaning food properly?


If food is stored at the wrong temperature, what can happen to it?

What is it can spoil or grow bacteria


If you cut raw meat and then use the same knife to cut produce, what could happen?

What is cross contamination, where germs from the meat can get on the produce and make people sick?


What should you do before handling produce from the hydroponic farm to keep it safe?

What is wash your hands and clean the harvest tools?


How is produce grown in your hydroponic farm different from produce grown in soil?

What is it’s grown without soil, using water and nutrients instead?


What can happen if you eat food that has been contaminated with harmful germs?

What is you could get a food-borne illness?


Name one thing that can happen if food is not handled safely.

What is people can get sick from germs or bacteria?


How can you stop cross contamination when handling produce from the hydroponic farm?"

What is wash tools and hands before and after touching different foods?


How can harmful germs or chemicals make food unsafe to eat?

What is they can cause sickness if they get into the food?


Why is hydroponic produce considered fresh and healthy?

What is because it’s grown locally, right at school, and doesn’t use chemicals or soil?


Why is it important to avoid cross contamination when handling food?"

What is to stop harmful germs from spreading and causing a food-borne illness?


What is it called when food gets contaminated by bacteria, viruses, or other germs?

What is foodborne illness?


Give an example of cross contamination in your school’s hydroponic farm.

What is using a dirty bin or tool when harvesting produce, which spreads germs from the bin to the fresh food?


Why is it important to follow food safety rules when growing and eating produce from the hydroponic farm?

What is to keep the produce clean and prevent people from getting sick from harmful germs?


What are the benefits of growing produce in a hydroponic farm at school?

What is it grows faster, uses less space, and produces healthy, fresh fruits and vegetables for students?


Name one way food can get contaminated in the hydroponic farm.

What is not washing hands before handling the produce, or using unclean tools or bins?