Freshwater and saltwater (marine)
25% of all marine species are found where?
Algal beds and coral reefs
This type of pollution can be traced back to a specific point
Point-source pollution
This is the term for the measurement of testing done on animals to determine of a product is safe for humans.
LD50 (Lethal dose 50%)
For an area to be considered a wetland, it must have these three things
Water, wet soil, vegetation
Where do intertidal zones occur at?
The transition between land and sea
This zone reaches down to about 200m
Euphotic Zone
What are the largest contributors to thermal pollution?
Power plants (by using water as coolants)
When the POPs are passed up the food chain it is called.
Soils that are poor in oxygen are referred to as what kind of soils?
Anoxic soils
What is the term for the amount of organic matter produced by photosynthesis?
Net Primary Productivity (NPP)
What ocean provides the rest of the world with nutrients because of the northern current upwelling?
The Southern Ocean
Added sediment reduces what and leads to a disruption in aquatic ecosystems.
Persistent organic pollutants (mostly pesticides and organic fertilizer)
Wetlands trap this element and reduce the amount that makes it to ecosystems
Organisms found in tide pools have an amazing ability to attach to a...
This term refers to a thin layer in the water where the temperature changes very quickly.
What type of pollutant often causes an oxygen sag curve?
What is it called when organisms ingest POPs and they are absorbed into their fatty tissues?
This is the process of creating, enlarging, or preserving wetlands due to human impacts
Wetland mitigation
What percentage of salt concentration are most marine biomes?
This organism is responsible for almost half of the global photosynthesis
What do the letters DO stand for?
Dissolved oxygen
Pesticides, heavy metals, and industrial solvents are a type of what pollution?
Chemical pollution
Wetlands reduce what by slowing down the flow of water?