Oral Hygiene
Hand Hygiene
Body Care
Hair Care

What tools do you need to have good oral health?

A) toothbrush, floss, toothpaste

B) toothbrush & toothpaste

A) toothbrush, floss, toothpaste

Using mouthwash is a bonus and also a good habit to create! You use mouthwash after brushing and flossing to help get any left over food or bacteria out of the mouth.


What should you use to wash your hands?

A) Soap

B) Lotion

C) Water 

D) Soap & Water

D) Soap & Water


Can you use deodorant in place of taking a bath or shower?

NO! Deodorant is not a replacement for taking a bath or shower


Does everyone have the same type of hair?


Some people have curly hair, some have straight hair, some don't have any hair!

Our hair type is based on our culture and genetics. 


How much sleep should you get in a night?

A) 6-7 hours

B) 9-12 hours

C) 13+ hours

B) 9-12 hours


Can gum be used instead of brushing teeth? Yes or No?

No. Gum is not a replacement for brushing teeth.


What song can you sing to wash your hands for the correct amount of time?

A) ABC's

B) Taylor Swift's - Lover

C) I can just count to 10. 

A) ABC's

You can sing the ABC's when you wash your hands to help you wash them for the correct amount of time!

You should wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.


What is deodorant/antiperspirant?

A) The stuff you put on your teeth to make them clean. 

B) The stuff you put under your arms to help with smell and sweat.

C) A food.

B) The stuff you put under your arms to help with smell and sweat.

You should start using deodorant at 8 years old to help with body odor, because this is usually when you start producing more sweat!


How much shampoo should you use when washing your hair?

A) A quarter sized drop

B) Fill my whole hand up

C) Half the bottle!

A) A quarter sized drop

You actually don't need as much as you might think!


Where should clean clothes be stored?

A) Away from dirty clothes

B) On the floor

C) Kept in the dryer

A) Away from dirty clothes


How many times per day should you brush your teeth?

A) 1x per day

B) 2-3x per day

C) every other day

B) 2-3x per day


Name two ways having good hand hygiene can help you. 

Answer up to facilitator

Suggested answers: helps prevent sickness, helps prevent spread of germs, can prevent death, prevent the spread of some food borne illness.


How often should we change socks, shirts, underwear?

A) Daily

B) Every other day

C) When they smell

A) Daily

It's important to change these daily! If you are unable to wash or don't have enough clothing to change daily you can speak to the school nurse, counselor, or social worker. We are happy to help you and your family as needed!


Name two reasons it's important to take care of your hair. 

To keep it healthy, to avoid embarrassment, to look good, because I care about myself


Why is important to wash your face?

A) It removes dirt, oils, and food and helps to prevent clogged pores.

B) It helps your face smell good.

C) Because adults tell me to. 

D) Because I don't shower every day and my face still needs a way to get clean.

A) It removes dirt, oils, and food and helps to prevent clogged pores.

Starting this habit at your age is very important!


What happens when you don't brush your teeth regularly?

A) Fresh breathe and strong teeth

B) Smelly breath and decayed teeth

C) Smelly breath and strong teeth

B) Smelly breath and decayed teeth


When should you wash your hands?

A) Every 15 minutes. 

B) Before eating, after going outside, after blowing your nose, after using the bathroom. 

C) After playing with something messy.

D) B & C

D) B & C

B) Before eating, after going outside, after blowing your nose, after using the bathroom. 

C) After playing with something messy.

There may be other times you need to wash your hands as well. 


How often should you take a bath or shower?

A) Every day (for most) / Every other day (for some)

B) Once a week

C) I don't need to shower or take a bath!

A) Every day (for most) / Every other day (for some)

If you play sports and get extra sweaty or dirty you may even need more than one in a day!

As you get older you will want to begin to take them every day, so it's a good habit to get into now!


How do you get tangles out of your hair?

A) top to bottom

B) bottom to top

B) bottom to top 

Start with the knots at the bottom and work your way up!


Where can I go to get hygiene products?

A) Target, Walmart, or any other store

B) I can ask the School Social Worker/ Counselor 

C) Amazon 

D) All of the above

D) All of the above


How long should you brush your teeth?

A) 1-2 minutes

B) 4-5 minutes

C) 30 seconds

A) 1-2 minutes

Using a timer can help you to know how long to brush your teeth!


What is the correct way to wash your hands?

A) wet hands, use soap, scrub all areas (palms, back of hands, between fingers, under fingernails) for ~20 seconds, rinse well, use towel to turn off water, dry with clean cloth

B) use soap and water on top and bottom of hands really well 

C) rinse hands with water for ~20 seconds and dry well 

A) wet hands, use soap, scrub all areas (palms, back of hands, between fingers, under fingernails) for ~20 seconds, rinse well, use towel to turn off water, dry with clean cloth

Did you know most people only wash their hands for about 6 seconds? That's not long enough!


Where should you use soap when showering?

A) Everywhere!

B) My feet, under my arms, and my face. 

C) Only my stomach, arms, and legs

A) Everywhere!

Especially the places you can't see easily! (Bottoms of feet, under arms, places covered by clothing)


*We also have hair that's not on our head!*

What kind of hair protects your eyes from dust and too much light? 

A) Eyebrows

B) Eye hairs

C) Eyelashes

D) Eyelid

C) Eyelashes


What is main reason for drying your hands after washing them?

A. So that you don’t drip water everywhere.
B. Because germs and bacteria are more easily spread with wet hands.
C. Your hands are slippery when wet, and you will not be able to hold things properly.
D. All the above.

B. Because germs and bacteria are more easily spread with wet hands.