Steve didn’t wear deodorant today. He ran around during gym class and sweat a lot. After, he sat down next to his friend at lunch. What might his friend be thinking?
Steve could really use a shower.
What product do you use in the shower to clean your body?
Soap or bodywash
Should you put deodorant on before you play basketball?
Taylor didn’t brush her teeth this morning. She sees her friend Morgan in the hallway and stops to chat with her. What might Morgan be thinking?
Taylor's breath kind of smelled.
When are times we need to wash our hands?
When should you take a shower?
Amber is talking with her friends before class in the morning. As she’s talking, she uses her sleeve to wipe her nose. What are her friends probably thinking?
Amber should have used a tissue
While sitting at lunch with his friends, Kirk forgot to cover his mouth and nose and sneezed all over his friend’s sandwich. What might his friend be thinking?
EW, Kirk just sneezed all over our food. I wish he covered his nose.
When should you brush your hair?
at least once a day
What should you do if your fingernails are too long?
Use a finger nail clip or nail file
What product do you use to clean between your teeth?
Jasmine went to the bathroom at school. She walked out of the bathroom without washing her hands, and a few of her classmates noticed. What are they probably thinking?
Jasmine needs to wash her hands with soap and water.
After you brush your teeth, do you use mouthwash?
Not necessary
What are 2 different way to bathe yourself?
When Brenna woke up this morning, she looked in the mirror and saw that her hair was really messy. She made sure to brush her hair before she left for school. How’s Brenna’s hygiene?
Brenna's hygiene is good
Arianna was at her friend’s house for dinner. When she coughed, she didn’t cover with her arm or her hand. What might her friend’s family be thinking?
I hope Arianna isn't sick and just speared her germs everywhere.
Leslie woke up late this morning and forgot to brush her teeth before she left for school. Her friends notice that she has really bad breath. How’s Leslie’s hygiene?
Leslie's hygiene could use some work
Daisy is at a sleepover with her friends. She hasn’t washed her hair in a while, so her hair is greasy, and she keeps scratching her itchy scalp. What are Daisy’s friends probably thinking?
Daisy needs to wash her hair.
How many times and when should you brush your teeth?
2x a day
How do you remember to keep good hygiene?
You can keep a schedule or judge by you smell
This morning, Bryan woke up and took a shower. Before he left for school, he remembered to put on deodorant. How’s Bryan’s hygiene?
Bryan's hygiene is good
What do you use to get knots out of your hair?
a comb
How often do you clean and trim your fingernails?
Clean: when you visually see dirt under your nails.
Fingernails: usually when they are longer than your fingertips
Ben had soccer practice last night. He didn’t shower before he went to bed or before he went to school this morning. When Ben sits down next to his friend in class, what might his friend think?
Ben really smells sweaty.