Personal Hygiene
Clothing & Shoes
Oral Health
Hand Washing

Germs can make us sick. True or False

True (Bacteria and viruses are types of germs)


Clothing does not need to be washed unless it is visibly soiled and stained. True or False?

False (skin cells and germs are not visible; they mix with bacteria and cause odor)

It’s o.k. not to use shampoo or soap when showering. No one will ever know. True or False

How often should you get dental check-ups? 

a. Once every 6 years 

b. Every 6 months 

c. When there is candy stuck in your teeth

b! Every 6 months we can get a cleaning and checkup to be sure our teeth stay healthy.


What song should you sing when you brush your teeth? 

a. ABC’s 

b. Happy Birthday?

a & b


What causes body odor?

Dirt, oil, and sweat


It’s o.k. to turn your underwear inside out for a second wearing. True or False

False (Clothing that is worn next to the skin needs to be changed daily, i.e. underwear, socks & shirts)


What should be used every time you shower?

a. Bubble bath

b. Shaving cream

c. Shampoo, conditioner and body wash

d. Dish Soap



When are good times to brush your teeth during the day? 

b. In the morning/after breakfast, after dinner/before bed and any time in-between (after you eat or drink something, when you feel food on or in-between your teeth). 


What part(s) of the hand is commonly missed when hands are being washed?

Fingernails, wrists, and thumbs.


What are three places on your body that give off body odor?

Armpits, feet and hair.


Name two ways to keep your shoes fresh and dry

Take shoes off when you come home and allow them to air dry; if you have a 2nd pair, alternate days. Also, change your socks every day.


Show us how to properly wash and dry your body. What do do you after your body is clean to help with sweat and odor?  

Use soap and a washcloth (or something similar) to clean all parts of your body

Then drying well with a towel 

Apply deodorant to our armpits! 


For how long should you brush your teeth?

a. At least 30 seconds

b. Until they hurt

c. At least 1 minute 30 seconds

d. 3 seconds



When are good times to wash your hands? 

a. After touching something that isn’t yours. 

b. After talking to someone who is sick and after taking out the trash. 

c. Before going to sleep and after you wake up. 

d. After touching garbage, being near someone who is sick, touching animals, before and after handling food; after using the bathroom and after using a tissue, coughing or sneezing.

d. After touching waste bins, being near someone who is sick, touching animals, before and after handling food; after using the bathroom and after using a tissue, coughing or sneezing.


What is personal hygiene? 

a. Using soap to clean yourself 

b. Dental check-ups 

c. Taking care of your body, cleaning yourself, getting dental check-ups and more 

d.Taking showers



What clothing needs to be changed daily?

a. Coats and outerwear

b. Socks

c. Hair ties

d. Underwear

b. & d.

Sweat glands in your scalp, dead skin cells and excess oil in your scalp can make unwashed hair smelly. True or False?

Where does bacterial plaque stay the longest, and can cause bad breath?

a. Teeth

b. Tongue

c. Gums

d. Hair follicles


Which has more germs? A toilet seat or a dollar bill.
A dollar bill

What does personal hygiene prevent?

a. Tooth decay

b. Diseases & sickness

c. Odor

d. All of the above

d. all of the above 


What causes clothing to smell? 

a. Environment (cigarette smoking, cooking smells, etc.) 

b. When bacteria mixes with skin cells, dirt & oils in the skin and hair 

c. Food, dirt and stains on clothing 

d. All of the above



When is the best time to put on deodorant?

a. During math class

b. After a shower and in the morning/evening

c. After you go to the bathroom and before you eat

d. Before a shower



What two things can you do to greatly reduce bad breath? 

a. Floss and brush your teeth 

b. Exercise and eat healthy foods 

c. Use mouthwash when it stinks, no needs to brush 

d. See your dentist every 6 years & only brush before your visit



What is the place in your school that has the most germs?

The water fountain!