
Do you need to shower every day?

Yes! At least once a day. Sometimes, people may shower more than once if they want or need. For example, if it was a very hot day or you went to the park and were playing or hanging out on the grass/dirt.


What items do you use to clean your teeth?

Tooth brush and floss. Some people have electric tooth brushes or use waterpicks to clean in between their teeth.


Do you need to cut/trim your nails?

Yes! Some people like to have longer nails but it is good idea to keep them clean and neat.


What is the name of the item you use to wash your clothes when doing laundry?

Detergent! Some people also use fabric softener and dryer sheets. Make sure you find ones that are good for your skin.


What are some activities you can participate in to have a healthy and active lifestyle?

Play outside. Go for walks. Excercise on a regular basis. Play sports. Go swimming. When you are older you may want to join a gym or have exercise equipment at home.


What is the name of the item you use to clean your body in the shower

Soap! It can be a bar of soap or a bottle of body wash. Make sure you find one that is good for your skin.


What product can you use to rinse your mouth and help your mouth be extra clean?

Mouth wash!


What product can you use on your skin to keep it healthy and moisturized?

Lotion! There are many different kinds. Find one that makes your skin look and feel good. Drinking lots of water can also keep your skin healthy.


How often do you need to do your laundry?

Depends on the situation but once a week is a good goal to try to maintain. You can do one big load of laundry or a few smaller loads as well.


What are some examples of healthy drinks?

Water, fresh juice or smoothies.


What are the names of the products you can wash your hair with?

Shampoo and conditioner! You may or may not need to use these everytime you shower. For some people, a few times a week may be enough. Make sure you rub it in and let it absorb into your scalp.

What parts of your mouth need to be cleaned on a daily/regular basis?
Every part of your mouth! This includes all your teeth, gums and tongue.

What product do you put on you skin in the summer or when you are outside on a sunny day?

Sun screen or sun tan lotion! There are different strengths called SPF. Pick the one that is best for you. Make sure you add a little more as the day goes on, especially on your face. You can also wear a hat. Check the UV scale/index when you're going to the beach. A higher # means you need more protection.


How often do you need to change your clothing?

You need to change your socks and underwear every day. Other types of clothing may be able to be worn a couple of time before needing to be cleaned. If it gets dirty or stained it needs to be cleaned. 


How much sleep do you need each night?

As much as possible! Many people try to get atleast 7 or 8 hours of sleep every night.


What items can you use to scrub your body with?

A cloth, a rag, a brush of a loofa! These help the soap become lathered and also helps to remove dead skin.


Is it okay to have body hair?

Yes! Everyone has body hair and its 100% natural. Some people either like or don't mind having certain types of body hair while other people prefer to have less. As you get older you will need to figure out what is right for you. Talk with your family and be kind to yourself and others.


What can we do if we start to have pimples or acne anywhere on our body?

Drink water. Keep our bodies clean. Try not to touch them. Change any products you may be using. Talk to your family. Some people decide to talk to a skin doctor, which is called a dermatologist!


Do you need to use deodorant?

Yes! All young people need to start using deodorant on a regular basis. Depending on the person or situation, you may need to re-apply deodorant during the day.


What are some good that are part of a healthy diet?

Fruits, vegetables, protein. Whole foods that have not been highly processed or combined with preservatives.


How long do you need to shower for?

It depends on the person or situation. Make sure you give yourself as much time as possible. Some people also take a shower to relax. How long do you usually shower for? 


How often should you go to the dentist?

Atleast once a year! Some people like to go more often.


What is the name of the activity when you get your finger nails or toe nails "done"?

Manicure and pedicure!

How often do you need a get new clothes?

All of our young people are growing every day. You may need to check in with the items in your closet/drawers every season to make sure everything still fits you comfortably and you have everything you need for the sun, rain, wind and snow. Eventually, all of your clothing will need to be replaced - especially if you wear it very often.


Who can you ask for help/advice?

Your family, especially your siblings. You can ask your aunts, uncles or cousins as well. You can talk with your friends and do your own research online.