General Hygiene
Oral Hygiene
Hand Hygiene
Laundry Hygiene
Body Hygiene

How do you define Good Hygiene?

Keeping yourself and your surroundings clean in order to maintain good health and prevent the spread of diseases


What 3 items do you need to brush your teeth?

Toothbrush, Toothpaste, and Floss. You can also use mouth wash to rinse your mouth with (or after rinsing your mouth with water).


What song can you sing to help time how long you need to wash your hands for?

Happy Birthday Song


Where do we put our dirty clothes?

In a laundry bag/basket or hamper.

NOT on the floor.


True or False: Others cannot smell you when you don't shower.

False: We may not always notice our smell, but other people definitely do.


How many days should you wear the same clothes before washing them?

One day (though sometimes people wear jeans for a second day before washing them).


How many times a day should you brush your teeth?

At least twice (once in the morning and once before bed).


Name at least 2 times you should wash your hands.

Before eating AND before cooking food, Before and after caring for someone who is sick, Before and after treating a cut or wound, After using the toilet, After coughing, sneezing and (especially) after blowing your nose, After touching an animal, feeding an animal, or cleaning up the waste of an animal, After touching garbage.


How often should you do laundry?

The answer can vary, but typically at least once a week. You can do one big load of laundry or a few smaller loads throughout the week.


What area on your body is not important to clean in the shower?

NONE. Clean EVERYWHERE (especially private parts, underarms, head, and hands)


How many times a week should you shower?

7 times, so every day!


How long should you brush your teeth for?

2 minutes.


What part of the hands do people usually ignore when washing their hands?

Under their fingernails.

Name at least 3 things you need to clean your clothes.

Laundry detergent, Washer, Dryer, Fabric softener, Dryer sheets

What are some things you should make sure are in the bathroom before you shower?

Soap or body wash, shampoo and a clean towel to dry yourself


Washing your face helps prevent ______?



How often should you floss?

At least once a day (especially at night!)


What can you use to clean your hands if soap and water is not available.

Hand sanitizer


How often should you wash your sheets and pillow case?

Once a week (though some people do every other week)


If you are shaving, what are 3 things you will need?

A good clean razor, water, soap/shaving cream

True or False: Body spray can be used instead of deodorant.

False. Deodorant should be applied at least once a day and body spray is not necessary, but you can put some on WITH deodorant


What does brushing your teeth prevent?

Gum disease, bad breath, and cavities


True or False: Sneezing and coughing into your hands is okay.

False: You should sneeze or cough into your elbow or a tissue and turn your body away from others when doing so.

True or false: It is okay to wear your socks for more than one day.

Explain your answer!


You walk on your feet all day. They get sweaty and maybe stinky.


True or False: You can slide your finger across a razor to remove any extra hair stuck in it

False: You will hurt yourself.