Who can you go to for personal hygiene advice?
Family members, Doctors, or school nurses
How many hours of sleep is recommended each night?
7-10 hours is recommended
How many times a week should you exercise?
3-5 times a week is recommended
What are some personal hygiene habits that should you be doing every day?
Brush teeth and hair, wear deodorant and clean clothes, take a shower, wash your hands, eat balanced diet, etc
What should you keep clean in order to have good hygiene?
A. Body and face
B. Hair and nails
C. Clothes and bed sheets
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
What should you do to get your body ready for a workout?
Stretch and hydrate
What happens when you don't floss at least once a day?
You can get cavities in between your teeth, and it can sometimes lead to gum disease.
How much water should you drink every day?
7-9 cups of water is recommended
What are some things that you do to exercise?
Thanks for sharing!
Talk about it! It is important to share your feelings with trustworthy people in your life.
What are some healthy habits to do in public? What are some unhealthy habits to do in public?
healthy- use hand sanitizer, cover sneezing/coughing
unhealthy- pick your nose, put things in your mouth
How many minutes of exercise should you get every day?
A) 10 minutes
C)30 minutes
C)30 minutes
Examples: good posture, sleep schedule, physical exercise, good personal hygiene, good nutrition habits, leisure activities, budgeting, positive thinking, etc
What are some healthy habits to have in your living space?
Vacuum and sweep your floors, take out the trash, do laundry, change bed sheets, etc
What is exercise?
Activities that keep your body and mind healthy, strong, and active.