Three items you will need for good oral hygiene
Toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss.
Three examples of when you should wash your hands?
Examples: Before you eat, after using the bathroom, before you cook, after touching raw meat, when you come home from school, work or going out.
How often should you change your socks?
Bonus Question: How often should you wear your clothes before you wash it?
What is the proper way to cough?
Take your arm and move it across your face so your mouth is covered. This cough is considered a vampire cough.
What does the word 'Hygiene' mean?
The practice or principles of keeping yourself and your environment clean in order to maintain health and prevent disease.
How often should you change your toothbrush?
Every three to four months or after you are sick.
Bonus question: What type of brush should you use?
Examples:Washing your hands. Cutting your nails. Using hand sanitizer. Wearing gloves.
How often should you wash your sheets?
Every one to two weeks. Try not to lay in bed if you have gone out unless you've changed/ showered.
Name three personal hygiene items you should not share.
Ex: Combs, brushes, towels, headphones
The number of germs on your hand is comparable to the number of...
A. Cars in a large parking lot
B. Trees in a forest
C. Grains of sand on a beach
D. Kernels in a bag of popcorn
What part(s) of your mouth should you brush?
You should brush your teeth, gums and tongue! Most bacteria hangs around on your gums and tongue.
If your tongue is white, that is an accumulation of bacteria and mucus which can make the breath smell bad.
What is the right way to clean your ears?
With soap and water in the shower, then wipe it with a towel. If you use a q-tip, you are pushing the wax deeper into your ear and you can possibly damage your ear drum.
How often should you bathe?
Everday/ Every other day. You should bathe everyday depending on the circumstances: If you went to a gym, if you were in a crowded area, etc.
What can you do to prevent others from getting sick?
Stay at home, don't touch others, wipe down all surfaces, keep a distance, don't share food, get a flu shot.
Is antibacterial soap is better than regular soap?
Antibacterial soaps are no more effective than regularsoap and water for killing disease-causing germs, according to the CDC. Regular soap tends to be less expensive than antibacterial soap and hand sanitizers. Regular soap won't kill healthy bacteria on the skin's surface
cited from the CDC*
How often should you see your dentist?
How often should you wash your hair?
Varies depending on hair type but at least twice a week.
Hair holds onto a lot of dust, dirt, and bacteria. The more products you use in your hair, the more often you should clean it.
How is biting your nails harmful to your health?
It transfers bacteria from your hands to your mouth.
One way you can encourage good hygiene practices between your friends and loved ones.
Examples: Lead by example, show them proof, encourage them to life a clean and healthy lifestyle, etc.
How often should you change a shower loofah?
Every 3 weeks!!! This is costly and bad for our environment. A cheaper and cleaner way to rub soap all over yourself is using your good ol' hands.
What is plaque?
A sticky, slimy substance made up mostly of germs that causes your teeth to decay.
Bonus Question: What does plaque turn into when it hardens?
What is the dirtiest part of the human body?
Your mouth!! Millions of bacteria live on your gums, tongue, and teeth.
What should you do when you get a cut or a small scratch?
One example of a vulnerable population you should be careful and clean around.
Ex:babies, elderly, sick people.
Where does the smell from sweat/ bad breath come from?
Bacteria! Bacteria eats food and dirt particles which produces odors.