Hand Hygiene
Dental Hygiene
Shower Hygiene
How's My Hygiene?
Hygiene-Mirror Check

How long do we wash our hands? What song helps us to know how long to wash hands?

20 seconds. Sing Happy Birthday! 


What do you use to keep your teeth clean?

Toothpaste, toothbrush, floss.


How often should you take a bath or shower? 

Once a day  


This morning, Bryan woke up and took a shower. Before he left for school, he remembered to put on deodorant. How's Brian's hygiene? 

What is good! Brian made took care to help him self feel clean and other comfortable at school. 


What is a mirror check?

Looking in the mirror to check if I am clean and if my clothes are okay.  


What should I do before cooking or eating?

wash hands.


How many times a day should you brush your teeth?

Two times


True or false? I need to put on clean clothes after I shower.



Carter went to the bathroom but didn't wash his hands afterward. He proceeded to the cafeteria and ate his lunch. How is Carter's Hygiene? 

What is not good. It is good hygiene to wash your hands after using the bathroom and also before and after you eat. 


What should this person fix?

Tie their shoes


When soap and water are not available, what can I use to clean my hands?


Hand Sanitizer


How long do we brush teeth?

Two Minutes


Why do we need to shower?

To make sure our body is clean and that we smell good.


Cameron ate cheese puffs for a snack. After he was finished, his fingers were covered in orange powder. He washed his hands to get the power off before he touched anything else. How is Cameron's hygiene? 

What is good. We should wash our hands before and after eating. 


What should this person fix?

Brush his hair


Name two times that you should wash your hands.

Using the bathroom, cooking, touching dirty objects, touching animals etc.


Leslie woke up late this morning and forgot to brush her teeth before she left for school. Her friend noticed that she has bad breath and politely told her so. What should Leslie do? 

What is ask your teacher if you can go to the office and ask for Mrs. Viers for a toothebrush and toothepaste. 


Name something we use to help eliminate body odor after we get out of the shower. 



Amelia ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. She did not use a napkin so when she gets back to class, her friend tells her she has peanut butter on her face. How's Amelia's hygiene? 

What is not good. Amelia should ask to use the bathroom to the peanut butter off of her face. 


What can he use from his hygiene kit?

Wipes to clean his face. 


How can you keep your hands clean when you sneeze? 

Sneeze into the inside of your elbow or into a tissue & then wash your hands or use hand sanitizer. 


 What does brushing your teeth prevent? 

Cavities, bad breath, and gum disease


How many deodorant strokes do we use? How many times do we swipe?

5 times under each arm. 


When Brenna, woke up this mornings, she looked in the mirror and saw that her hair was really messy. She made sure to brush her hair before she left for school. How is Brenna's hygiene? 

What is well. Brenna took care of her hair by brushing it before she left school helping her to feel clean and other to feel comfortable. 


What do I need to check when I am doing a mirror check?

Are my clothes neat and clean?

Is my face clean?

Are my teeth clean?

Am I wearing deodorant?

Are my shoes tied?