Hand Washing
A little of Everything!
Something your ear makes inside to help protect it from germs
What is ear wax?
True or False: This skin is a body organ
What is true (protects you, keeps infections out. When you take care of your skin you are helping it to do its job)
The most effective way to keep you from getting sick
What is Hand washing
The type of bacteria that sticks to your teeth Hint: Same name as a place where they might put your team name on if you won a championahip
What is plaque
Name something that causes bad breath
What is not brushing teeth, foods (garlic, cheese, onion, orange juice), smoking
The best way to clean your ears or remove ear wax
What is water and a washcloth during showering? - Your ears push out to the openings what it no longer needs!
A place that is important to wash that is often forgotten in the shower
What is behind your ears and/or under your arms
The best temperature of water to use when you wash your hands
What is warm water
The amount of toothpaste you need on your brush for clean teeth
What is a pea size (for kids) 2x as much for adults
What's actually in a booger: Hint: This also causes you to catch a cold
What is germs, dirt, dust Blow your nose! Don't pick!
How to prevent swimmers ear
What is dry your ears when you get out, shake out the water?
Signs of an allergic skin reaction
What is itching, burning, hot, dry (can be to soaps, deoderant, face wash, etc) tell an adult
The amount of time you should wash your hands for....
What is 20 seconds (ABC's 2 times)
How many minutes should you spend brushing
What is 2 and/or 3
Best way to help with body odor Hint: You should do this everyday to stay clean
What is shower one time a day, wear a mild deoderant starting at the latest age 12
the thing most people think you should use remove ear wax
What is cottan swab or q tip?
What SPF sunscreen should you use
What is 30 to 50
How long should you rub your hands for with hand sanitizer
What is until your hands are dry
How often should you change your toothbrush
What is every 3 months
Where should you go if you have to fart Hint: Not the kitchen or living room, or sitting at the dining room table
What is the bathroom (if you can't make it, just be sure to say excuse me)
You use this to clean your ears when they are newly pierced
What is rubbing alcohol?
The most important and first thing you should do if you get a cut
What is wash with soap and water!
The item you should use to shut off the water after you wash your hands
What is a towel or your elbow
The ingredient your tooth paste should have to help fight plaque and clean your teeth well
What is flouride
The most common thing found in your belly button Hint: A Type of Germ
What is bacteria (staph). Don't use a q tip...just wash gently with soap and washcloth in the shower