Definitions of MV
Decoding Acronyms
Duties of the Liaison
On the Move with Transportation

The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless children and youth as...

What are individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence?


Please define S.O.O

What is a School of Origin?


Liaisons must administer ______ annually to all parents, guardians, and unaccompanied youth.

What is a housing questionnaire? 


Under the McKinney-Vento Act, these individuals must be informed of all transportation services available to them due to their eligibility status.

Who are the parents and guardians of McKinney-Vento students and unaccompanied youth? 


The definition of unaccompanied is...

What is when a student is not living in the physical custody of a parent or guardian?


Please define I.D.E.A

What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act? 


At enrollment, students must be allowed to remain in _____.

What is in the School of Origin?


These types of funds may be used to purchase prepaid gas cards.

What are Title I, Part A Funds, EHCY Grant, and General Education Funds?


The definition of Unaccompanied Homeless Youth is...

What is any youth that is unaccompanied and also meets the definition of homelessness?


Please define B.I.D

What is Best Interest Determination? 


When developing a plan for parental engagement, you should make sure that it is...

What is trauma-sensitive?


This should be the first and is the safest option for transporting McKinney-Vento students.

What is a school bus?


when a student pays for his own living expenses, including fixed, regular, and adequate housing, they are considered...

What is self-supporting?


Please define C.O.C

What is a Continuum of Care?


Give examples of locations frequented by children, youth, and families where we should be placing posters.

What are schools, shelters, public libraries, and soup kitchens? 


This new senate bill that goes into effect on July 1, 2025 imposes new requirements for drivers.

What is Senate Bill (SB) 88?


If a student is being evicted and has been unable to find fixed, regular, and adequate housing they would be considered...

What is at risk of being homeless? 


Please define H.E.T.A.C

What is the Homeless Education and Technical Assistance Center?


One of the duties of the liaison is to ensure that homeless children youth and families have referrals to...

What are health care, dental, mental health and substance abuse, and housing services? 


These agencies are responsible for reviewing and revising transportation-related policies that may act as barriers to the school identification and enrollment of students experiencing homelessness.

What are state educational agencies (SEAs) and local educational agencies (LEAs)?