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This most common race/ethnicity  with prevalence of hypertension is ?

What is African American 

Primary hypertension is also known as ______ hypertension.

Which ethnic groups are more likely to suffer from hypertension? A- Caucasian B- African American C- Hispanic D- Asian

B- African American


Which drugs are categorized as beta blockers? Select all that apply

A- Atenolol

B- Metoprolol

C- Propranolol

D- Prazosin

E- Minoxidil

A- Atenolol B- Metoprolol C- Propranolol


When providing dietary instruction to a patient about hypertension the nurse would advise the patient to restrict intake of which meat? A- Broiled fish B- Ribeye steak C- Roasted turkey

B- Ribeye steak

Prolonged hypertension can lead to stroke or cardiac failure.

Systemic Arterial Blood Pressure is product of _____________ and __________________.

Cardiac Output and Total Peripheral Resistance


What diagnostic exam is used to monitor cardiac rhythms? A- Electrocardiogram (EKG) B- Computed Tomography (CT) C- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) D- Cardiac arteriogram

A- Electrocardiogram (EKG)


Which foods are part of the DASH Diet?

A- Low-fat dairy

B- Poultry

C- Fish

D- Whole grain bread

E- Hot dogs

A- Low-fat dairy B- Poultry C- Fish D- Legumes


A nurse is assessing a patient for orthostatic hypotension. After taking their blood pressure and pulse in the supine position, what should the nurse do next? A- Repeat blood pressure and pulse in this position B- Take blood pressure and pulse with the patient sitting C- Record the blood pressure and pulse with patient standing

B- Take blood pressure and pulse with the patient sitting

Secondary hypertension has no known cause.
False; Primary hypertension

______ ______ is a decrease in blood pressure when the patient changes position from lying to sitting.

Orthostatic hypotension


Which teaching should a nurse give a patient about dietary management of Stage 1 Hypertension?

A- Restrict all caffeine B- Restrict sodium intake C- Increase protein intake D- Use calcium supplements

B- Restrict sodium intake


Which drugs can cause secondary hypertension?

A- Estrogen

B- Glucocorticoids

C- Losartan

D- Acetaminophen

E- Azithromycin

A, B,


The nurse teaches a 28-year old man newly diagnosed with hypertension about lifestyle modifications to reduce his blood pressure. Which statement by the patient requires an intervention by the nurse? A- "I will avoid adding salt to my food during or after cooking." B- "If I lose weight I might not need to continue taking medication." C- "I can lower by blood pressure by switching to smokeless tobacco."

C- "I can lower by blood pressure by switching to smokeless tobacco."

The DASH Diet focuses on an increase in sodium intake.
False; decrease

______ slow the heart rate, which decreases the amount of blood pumped through the blood vessels.

Beta blockers


Which lab test result would indicate that a patient with hypertension has organ damage?

 A- BUN 15 mg/dL 

 B- Serum uric acid 3.8 mg/dL  

C- Serum creatinine 2.6 mg/dL 

D- Serum potassium of 3.5 mEq/dL

C- Serum creatinine 2.6 mg/dL


Which symptoms are possible signs of hypertension? A- Headache B- Chest pain C- Clear vision D- Dizziness E- Energized

A- Headache B- Chest pain D- Dizziness


A 44-year old man is diagnosed with hypertension and receives a prescription for furosemide. After the nurse teaches him about the medication, which statement by the patient indicates his correct understanding? A- "If I take this medication I will need a low potassium diet" B- "It is normal to have some swelling in my face while taking this medication." C- "If I develop a dry cough while taking this medication I should notify my doctor. D-"I should take this medication in the morning."

D-"I should take this medication in the morning."

Patients taking hydrochlorothiazide should have their potassium levels monitored.

______ is a situation where the blood pressure is severely elevated but there is no signs of impending organ damage

Hypertensive urgency


A client is prescribed amlodipine for control of hypertension. What health teaching will the nurse provide before the client beings therapy?

A- "You may develop a higher pulse rate."

B- "You may notice some swelling in your feet."

C- "You may develop a nagging cough."

D- "Your diet should include foods high in sodium."

B- "You may notice some swelling in your feet."


What are some psychosocial factors that affect hypertension?

A- Job B- Finances C- Vacation D- Death in the family E- Exercise

A- Job B- Finances D- Death in the family

The nurse is caring for a patient with hypertension who is scheduled to receive a beta-blocker. The nurse should withhold the dose and consult the physician for which vital sign taken just before administration? A- Pulse 48 beats/min B- BP 119/78 C- Respirations 20 breaths/min
A- Pulse 48 beats/min