Where Would You Put "___"
What's Wrong with this Sentence

How many periods does an Ellipse consist of?



Ellipse: “I want to go to the arcade; I don’t know if I should. Maybe I should go next week with my friends.”

Several ways: Replace the punctuations with ellipses, cut it off at “next week,” or only replace the periods.


The government allows cultural music to be played in the mesa...

This isn't a quote of someone saying this with disappointment/sadness, nor is this an incomplete thought. So an ellipse wouldn't be used.


When is an ellipse used?

An Ellipse is used when there’s a pause in a sentence or an incomplete thought.


Hyphens: “When dealing with health care related issues, the doctor said to cut my eight hour schedule down.”

“Health-care-related,” and “Eight-hour.”


In a year, there are three-hundred-sixty-five days. give or take one more if you're counting leap year.

There should only be one hyphen: "three hundred sixty-five".


When is a hyphen used?

Hyphens is a symbol that’s used to join words or parts of words.


Dash: “In Arizona, Texas, there’s a basketball game staring the Toronto Raptors vs the Chicago Bulls.”

Technically the sentence is correct, but the dashes would go between Arizona and Texas, and replacing the 'vs.’


The document was about pet - friendly hotels in the area; dated from 2021 - 2024.

Dashes cannot be in place of hyphens, nor is it recommended to be used after a 'from,'


When is a dash used?

There are two types of dashes: em dash (fits into M) en dash (fits into N). En dash is used to describe borders or to write dates or ranges. Em dash can replace comma in a sentence, but usually is used in informal writing or storytelling.


Dashes and Ellipses: "The school play lasted from 7:30 to 9:30pm. It was about the West-Side Story, though it was a bore.

Dashes: "7:30-9:30"

Ellipses: After bore: "bore..."


I need to buy some high-quality...ingredients for my cake-recipe...but I'm not sure where to find them.

I need to buy some high-quality ingredients for my cake recipe, but I'm not sure where to find them...

The first ellipse is not need, for this isn't a quote of someone stuttering over words. Cake recipe also doesn't require a hyphen.


What is the difference between a hyphen and a dash?

Hyphens are used to join words or parts. Dashes are used as comas, or to conjoin numbers/places.


Hyphens and Dashes: "I waited for five hours, but Troy was a no show. We had to do a project on Health care related issues; he didn't do anything.

Hyphens: "five-hours" and "health-care-related"

Dashes: between five-hours and Troy, cutting out the comma and "but." And between issues and "he," cutting out the semicolon.


I was planning to go to the park, but it started I stayed home instead...

I was planning to go to the park -- but it started raining... so I stayed home instead...

The sentence is technically correct but the comma could be replaced with a Em dash. The ellipses are in the right place though.