which mastermode floor has the most common master star drop chance
name all the skills that go upto level 60
farming, enchanting, combat, mining (bonus points if you also said taming)
this youtuber is a self proclaimed ambassador to the community
what annoying message would be posted in chat if you bought items too fast from an npc before they added the bazzar?
please wait a bit before doing this
what is the lowest bin for a judgement core
name all the dyes that can be dropped from dungeons (doesn't include mob drops)
secret, livid necron
the 2 best ways for foraging exp
island bone meal thingy/ jerry boxes
(half point if you only get one)
this youtube duo used to make videos talking about skyblock history and different bugs and glitches that happend over time
hellcastle and whatever the furry was called.
how many times does beth need to visit your garden before you can get the jakes plushie talisman
4 times
how much is an artifact of control
when dungeons first came out what was the highest floor in the game?
whats the skill requirement to enter a dungeon
combat 15
this youtuber used to play skyblock and now has a different minecraft channel with over 2 million subs
a mob spawns on your island if you set the island theme to hell what is it?
how much does a seal of the family cost to buy from rusty (without the seals perk of dropping the price)
in floor 4 getting an s+ only buffs the odds of one drop what is it?
spirit bone
you can't get this type of skill exp on your private island (not counting minions)
combat the macros were too crazy
this youtuber was a furry that dropped skyblock to grind speedrunning
how do you get rock the fish
Dark monolith farming in the dwavern mines
whats the total number of books that you can put onto a sword *example hot potato books)
17 10 hot potato books 5 fumings art of war and a book of stats
what dungeons floor came out on Sept 17,2020
floor 5
what is the hardest skyblock skill to level up
social because you need friends :(
this old youtuber made dungeons and slayers rng videos (does not play anymore)
you might think the sinseekers scythe is the most useless craft from eman slayer but its really this mostly unknowen item
soul esoward
what skyblock update came out on july 2 2019
the dark auction