Graph Types
Name Points of Graph
Scientific Method

What are the TWO main PURPOSES of a scatter plot?

What is display all of the individual points that have been measured, and to represent unusual values.

 What is to assess whether there is an association or correlation between two variables.


What is the vertical axis of the graph called.

What is the y-axis.


An hypothesis is a educated guess.

A. True

B. False



Is a Histogram an A type of graph where a range of possible values is plotted along the x-axis and the frecuency of datapoints in each interval in the range is plotted on the y-axis?



The first step to the scientific method

What is making an observation


What is a histogram and what do they represent?

What is: A bar graph. Its purpose is to show frequency distribution pattern because they plot range of possible values

provide information on the degree of variation.


Where are the Independent Variables and Dependent Variables located that represent the information displayed in a graph.

What is...

Y-axis is dependent variables 

X-axis is independent variables


What is another word for an hypothesis?

What is a prediction


 What is a continious variable? 

a) A quantity that can only take certain, discrete values. 

b) A quantity that can take a continuous range of values. 

a) A quantity that can only take certain, discrete values. 


The testable part to the scientific method

What is the hypothesis 


Drawn to show changes on a graph overtime, you plot several points on a straight line linked together.

What is line graph.


A hypothesis has to be developed at the upfront of every research.





Define  Scatterplot

a)A type of graph where a range of possible values is plotted along the x-axis and the frequency of datapoints in each interval in the range is plotted on the y-axis. 

b) A type of graph where individual datapoints from two continuous variables are plotted to assess whether the variables are correlated in any way.

b) A type of graph where individual datapoints from two continuous variables are plotted to assess whether the variables are correlated in any way.


This step of the scientific method is one where you test the hypothesis with a set design containing different variables  

What is the experiment 


This graph helps represent distribution ad comparison of data effectively with percentages. 

What is a percentage graph


What kind of hypothesis do we create in our everyday lives?

What is informal hypothesis


Define dependent variable: 

a) A measured quantity whose value depends on the value of another variable.

b) A variable whose value does not depend on the value of another variable. Common examples include the treatment groups in an experimental study or time.

a) A measured quantity whose value depends on the value of another variable.


This step involves the organizing and interpreting the results of the experiment  

What is data analysis 


What is the difference between the histogram and a bar graph.

A histogram displays the frequency of continuous data in adjacent bars, representing data intervals. In contrast, a bar graph shows discrete categories with separate bars to compare values or counts.


What kind of hypothesis is this?

The medication has no effect on reducing blood pressure compared to a placebo.

What is Null Hypothesis


A variable whose value does not depend on the value of another variable. Common examples include the treatment groups in an experimental study or time is? 

Independent variable 

Response Variable  

Independent Variable 


This step involves making sense of the data and determining if the results of the experiment support or refute the hypothesis 

What is making a conclusion