7.3 & 7.4

a statistical hypothesis that contains a statement of equality

What is null hypothesis Ho


If the null hypothesis is true, a _________ of a hypothesis test is the probability of obtaining a sample statistic with a value as extreme or more extreme than the one determined from the sample data

What is P-value


When p is less than alpha we make this decision

Reject the null hypothesis


We use a t-test for the mean when the ___________ standard deviation is unknown.

What is population

Formula for finding degrees of freedom

What is n - 1


It is a statement that must be true if Ho is false and it contains a statement of strict inequality

What is Alternative hypothesis Ha


If the alternative hypothesis Ha contains the less-than inequality symbol (<) then it is what type of test

What is left-tailed test


The range of values for which the null hypothesis is not probable. If a test statistic falls in the region, the null hypothesis is rejected.

What is rejection region

To use a z-test for proportions, _________ and _________ must be greater than or = to 5

What is np and nq


A _______________test is a statistical test for a population variance or standard deviation

What is a chi-square 


Occurs if the null hypothesis is rejected when it is true

What is Type 1 error


If the alternative hypothesis Ha contains the greater-than inequality symbol (>), then it is what type of test

What is right-tailed test


separates the rejection region from the nonrejection region

What is critical value Zo


A company claims that at least 82% of its employees are satisfied with their job. Write the correct hypotheses and determine which is the claim.

What is:

H0: p is greater than or equal to .82 (claim)

HA: p < .82


Find the critical chi-square value for the indicated test for a population variance, sample size n, and level of significance a. Right-tailed test, n=27, a=0.05

What is 38.885


Occurs if the null hypothesis is not rejected when it is false

What is Type 2 error


if the alternative hypothesis Ha contains the not-equal-to symbol, it is what type of test

What is two-tailed test


Find the critical z value for a right-tailed test when alpha = .05

What is 1.645


use a t-test to test the claim about the population mean u at the given level of significance a using the given sample statistic. For each claim, assume the population is normally distributed Claim: u=15; a=0.01 Sample mean= 13.9, s=3.23, n=6

State the p-value and the decision

What is p =.44 so Fail to reject Ho. At the 1% significance level, there is not enough evidence to reject the claim


Find the critical chi-square value for the indicated test for a population variance, sample size n, and level of significance a. Left-tailed test, n=25, a=0.10

What is 15.659


In a hypothesis test, the ____________ is your maximum allowable probability of making a type 1 error. It is denoted by a, the lowercase Greek letter alpha

What is Level of significance


The results of a recent study show that the proportion of people in the United States who use seat belts when riding in a car or truck is 81%. Write the correct hypotheses.

What is  Ho:p=.81 (claim); Ha: p≠ 0.81


Find the P value for the indicated hypothesis test with the given standardized test statistics z. Decide whether to reject Ho for the given level of significance a. Two-tailed test, z= -1.56, a=0.05

What is p= 0.1188; Fail to reject Ho


Find the critical chi-square values for the indicated test for a population variance, sample size n, and level of significance a. Two-tailed test, n=9, a=0.05

What are 2.180 and 17.535