Secret Packer
That's it in a Nutshell
Winning the Duel
Oldies but Goodies
You're banned?


Toon and Relinquished


Gay man sends army to destroy the world after being frustrated when his love interest is not interested in him and instead in the blonde ex-church woman.

Branded in a nutshell

Made so Dark Scorpion Brothers actually has a usage

Jackpot 7


Calling this the first "archetype" in yugioh's history would be a stretch, seeing as how they're a series of buggy cards, but they are technically the first due to mentioning one monster specifically in 3 separate cards.

Great Moth/Petite Moth


What were they thinking in 2005? Did they think empty jar was that much of a threat that they needed to hit the card that flipped it back up?

Book of Taiyou


Rites of the Mirrorworld

Nekroz and Gishki


Misunderstood emo-phase demons get angry due to being roped in with the sadistic and mad ones of their group, but most are just misunderstood.

Dark World


The new Lyrilusc cards made this tricky win condition actually decent.

Ghostrick Angel of Mischief


This is the true first archetype in yugioh's history, as in the first series of cards to share a common name and have support that specifically mentions that name.



Ah yes, because in the makyura otk this card was definitely the yellow problem, also why hit it on the same list that makyura was banned?

Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow


My Cute Lovely Friends

Purrely and Melffy


Muscular women don't need no man and instead opts for an army of cats.



They gave Xyz Monsters 4 different win the duel cards, however there is only one that is not light or dark, and its the weirdest of the bunch, having an effect that resembles playing a game of musical chairs in a way, but with dice!

Musical Sumo Dice Games


The first ritual monsters were released in Magic Ruler, and there were 3 of them: Performance of Sword, Crab Turtle, and this legendary meme (warrior?) monster that somehow got its own archetype 20+ years later.

Hungry Burger


Uhhh, so let me get this straight, for exactly one format in 2006 they thought that discarding the card the opponent drew in the draw phase was too much, and limited it?

Drop Off


Fires of this World and the Next

Shiranui and Mayakashi


Daily Double

"Oh hey I got an idea, you know how cards have hard once per turn effects? What if we gave this one random archetype a singular card that sort of in a way allows you to use those effects twice?"


Daily Double

Ha, you dumb dumb idiots, you thought it would be destiny board or final countdown questions, but you were wrong. Name me the single TCG legal card that makes your OPPONENT win the duel.


The first ever coin toss effect ever released in the TCG.

Time Wizard


The only hit this lad ever got was a semi-limit in march 2008, and was immediately brought back to 3 the next list and never touched again. 

Light and Darkness Dragon


Impending ASSASSination

Meklord and Timelord


They're literally just lesbians, like I'm not even making this up they're based off of literal church lesbians.



There is a singular Exodia card we have never received in the TCG. What makes it different from the rest, is that it makes your opponent win the duel if the only monsters on the field other than itself are 4 Forbidden One Normal Monsters with different names.

True Exodia


Only ever limited due to being a rulings nightmare, this card was the first and only card to ever have a soft once per duel effect.

Twin-Headed Behemoth


2003 and 2005 people be like: "No no no guys you don't understand! This thing causes an attack lock! You gotta hit it I lost to my friend jimmy at recess today cause I couldn't declare an attack with my blue-eyes white dragon. What do you mean you'll put it to 2?! That does nothing!"

Marauding Captain