All schools I have relatives at
What are Poly, Poly, and Brown?
Favorite food
What is chocolate?
After quarentine dream (two options possible)
What is Stretchy ice cream OR burgers milkshakes and tater tots with friends?
Best friend
What is December 14th?
Favorite classes ever (2)
What is Ms. T's class and math class?
Favorite animal
WHat is a waterbear?
What is I don't know?
Person I became friends with in Philly and person I became friends with in Cape Cod
Who are Tasha and Cara?
What is a video to the muffin song?
My daycare
What is Beansprouts?
What is a triangle?
Friends in Band class (hint think musical people)
Who are Tasha, Jen, Katie, Emily, and Sasha?
First time we hung out outside of school
What is subway ride home?
Three qualities I want in a college
What is small, northeastern and liberal arts?
Favorite sister
Who is Kendall Jenner?
What I want for my birthday
What is the This American Life (oops already got it)?
Members of Rosh Hodesh
Who are Dahlia, Ruby, Samantha, Roxie, Gloria, Lauren?
Five signs we liked each other beforehand
I'll tell them
Last question on my advanced math placement test dealt with the jumping of this animal
What is a squirrel?
What I want to do this summer as a project (HINT: ask your Best Beautiful Bright mother)
Do all of the non-technical challenges on a season of BBB
Friends who invented the nickname Buggort
Who are Emily and Alida?
Two items I recieved on one date
What is Crusader and hot pack?