What is the sad story of Kings?
Israel's destruction because she refused to repent
Which king dies at the end of I Samuel in batthle?
How is the start of II Samuel like the start of I Samuel?
Israel is without a king
What event in I Kings 8 is considered a great moment in Israel's history?
The dedication of Solomon's temple
What prophet in Kings is a "second Moses" figure?
True or False: Rehoboam is Solomon's father.
False. (King David is Solomon's father)
What is the difference between the selection of Saul as king and selection of David as king?
Saul was selected by looks, Davis was selected by his heart
Give a few examples of David's fame increasing.
Success as a military leader, his role as a court musician
What is significant about Chapter 12 of 1st Kings?
The Kingdom dives into two
This prophet stood against Ahab and Jezebel. He declared that there would be drought over the land.
What is the division of the book of II Kings?
Divided kingdom, remaining kingdom
True or False: At the end of I Samuel, Saul fights a battle and is victorious.
Who are the three significant people in the book of I Samuel?
Samuel, Saul, David
What is the two part division for the book of I Kings?
The United Kingdom and the Divided Kingdom
What happens on Mt. Carmel between Elijah and the prophets of Baal?
Fire falls from heaven consuming Elijah's sacrifice
What is the purpose of I and II Kings?
The first human king of Israel was who?
True or False: Samuel anointed David, but not Saul.
This person led the northern kingdom when Israel split into two kingdoms.
How is Samuel's mother Hannah like Rachel the sister of Leah?
infertility/ without child
How does Jerusalem rise in prominence?
David makes it his capital city
True or False: Samuel was the last judge of Israel.
What Kingdom had no good Kings after the United Kingdom divided?
The Northern Kingdom