Talk about when and where somebody was born and their past.

TOPICS: dates and places 

GRAMMAR: was / were 

VOCABULARY: places and years, jobs

Contrast past and present.

TOPICS: physical appearance, personality, places, the weather, the days, the months, the years 

GRAMMAR: was / were 

VOCABULARY: for physical appearance, personality, places, the weather, the days, the months, the years


Ask and answer question in present

TOPICS: daily activities, frequency, places, people, times 

GRAMMAR: present tense ( do / does ) 

VOCABULARY: daily routine verbs, WH-questions


Speak about events in the past.

TOPICS: events in the past

GRAMMAR: past tense in affirmative (-ed) and negative (didn't - ) 

VOCABULARY: regular and irregular verbs in the past, correct pronunciation of ".ed", time expressions for past tense


ask and answer what is there in a place and their location

TOPICS: the room, the house, the neighborhood 

GRAMMAR: Is there a ...? / Are there any ...? 

VOCABULARY: rooms in the house, furniture, stores, public places


speak about yourself  

TOPICS: names and surnames, jobs, age, when and where they were born, origin, hobbies, preferences, marital status, home address, email address, telephone numbers 

GRAMMAR: verb to be, like


talk about what there was and there were in a place.

TOPICS: things and locations }

GRAMMAR: there was / there were -

VOCABULARY: rooms in the house, furniture, public places,


ask and answer questions about other people

TOPICS: names and surnames, jobs, age, origin, hobbies, preferences, marital status, home address, email address, telephone numbers 

GRAMMAR: verb to be, like 

VOCABULARY: questions words and family members


 Ask and answer questions about past events

TOPICS: events in the past - 

GRAMMAR: Did ---? / yes, I did / no, I didn't / verbs in past tense - 

VOCABULARY: time expressions for past tense, WH- questions


Speak about your daily routine

TOPICS: daily activities, frequency, places, people, times 

GRAMMAR: present tense in affirmative and negative 

VOCABULARY: daily routine verbs, frequency adverbs,


ask and answer personal questions

TOPICS: names and surnames, jobs, age, origin, hobbies, preferences, marital status, home address, email address, telephone numbers }

GRAMMAR: verb to be, like 

VOCABULARY: questions words and family members


speak about others

TOPICS: names and surnames, jobs, age, when and where they were born, origin, hobbies, preferences, marital status, home address, email address, telephone numbers

GRAMMAR: verb to be, like

Speak about another person's routine.

TOPICS: daily activities, frequency, places, people, times - GRAMMAR: third person in present tense in affirmative and negative - VOCABULARY: daily routine verbs, frequency adverbs,


 Talk about a person in the past

TOPICS: name, surname, age, job, origin, physical appearance, personality, activities 

GRAMMAR: was / were / simple past 

VOCABULARY: jobs, cities, physical and personal characteristics, years


Describe what is there in a place and their location.

TOPICS: the room, the house, the neighborhood 

GRAMMAR: there is / there are / there isn't / there aren't any 

VOCABULARY: rooms in the house, furniture, stores, public places, adverbs of place(in, on, at, under, next to, etc.)