What is the end goal of scouting?
Eagle Scout, but more importantly the experience and the friends you made along the way.
How many campout nights do you need to fulfill the camping merit badge requirement
What is 20 nights?
How many months do you need to have an active role in scouts to advance to the next rank?
What is 6 months?
What is the best way to call a merit badge counselor
What is calling the counselor, or emailing them with contact info of two guardians.
What do you do if someone is not breathing
What is chest compressions
What clothing material should you wear in winter campouts?
What is wool?
What are we doing next week
I'm in need of ideas, im desperate, :D
What are 3 chips in scouts that you should try and get?
What is totin chip, fireman's chip, cyber chip
What is the first thing to do when starting a merit badge?
What is getting a blue card and getting it signed
If someone is drowning in a lake, what should you do?
Find help, find something for them to latch on to, go if with floating device and/or trained swimmer.
What is the magical number we must obey
6 feet
What is no
What 3 merit badges, have 3 month plans ou must make and do?
What are personal fitness, personal management, and family life merit badge?
What are 5 different scout positions?
What is aspl, spl, patrol leader, assistant patrol leader, scout Chaplin, scribe, librarian, quartermaster, etc.
How many hours of community service in total do you need to get to life rank?
What is 18 hours
Who in our troop is a counselor for the cooking merit badge.
Who is Mr. Payne
Who is our new aspl
Who is Matt