(A man's man)
(What's the deal with Motocross?)
(Dinner and a Movie)
(The most non-competitive)

This helpful little devices weighs less than an ounce, but it often conceals up to 7 useful tools from scissors to nail files.

What is the Swiss Army Knife


This popular show features humanity's last hope against very hungry, very large, and very naked folks.

What is Attack on Titan


What's the name of the coffee shop where Jerry and Co. spend a lot of their time?

What is Monk's Cafe


What is the term for cooking meats to melt some of the fat out of them?

What is Rendering


This type of basketball shot relies on the ball hitting the backboard.

What is a Bank Shot


This weapon is largerly responsible for human success in hunting and warfare, and a variation of it exists in ever single recorded culture and civilization in history.

What is the Spear.


In runtime, it took roughly 3 hours across 9 episodes for the planet to blow up despite the villain stating it would only take 5.

What is Dragonball Z


Jon Favreau made an appearance as a clown named _?
(Hint: it most certainly wasn't Bozo)

Who is Eric


In the Green Mile, Tom Hank's character is forced to execute a gentle giant named _?

Who is John Coffey, like the drink, except not spelled the same.


Listening to tennis can be NSFW if your watching a match with this 23 time Grand Slam champion.

Who is Serena Williams


The most popular sporting rifle in America today, this is the semi-automatic civilian version of the US Military's M16.

What is the ArmaLite AR-15


Despite what the show's name implies, the main character is only partially robotic.

What is Full Metal Alchemist


An oldy but a goody, he aim of this trick is to get your bike as backwards, upside-down and twisted as humanly possible.

What is a Whip


If beef is cooked "en brochette", what does that mean?

What is On Skewers


Tiger Woods has almost twice as many PGA wins compared to his closest competitor, who plays left handed.

Who is Phil Mickelson


This knife is best known for its very large fixed blade, but it's no "Space Oddity".

What is a Bowie Knife


This is largely hailed by many as the GOAT of the anime genre. Too bad its live action adaptation didn't fair as well.

What is Cowboy Bebop


According to a conversation between Jerry and Elaine, what’s the magic number of dates when a face-to-face break-up is required?

What is 7


In this film, Harrison Ford didn't kill his wife. Tommy Lee Jones doesn't care.

What is The Fugitive


This man was the first person in history to lift 500kg (1102.31lbs) of the ground in a deadlift competition in 2016.

Who is Eddie Hall


This rifle, a symbol of independence and rugged self-reliant individualism, was the first American made firearm to include a rifled barrel which increased its effective range nearly 200 yards.

What is the Kentucky Flintlock


Omae wa mou shindeiru

(You are already dead)

What is Fist of the North Star


Motocross found peak popularity here in the United States, but its origin and namesake came from the Europe by way of this man in the 1960s.

Who is Edison Dye


"There's no crying in baseball!" At least that's how Coach Dugan put it in this film about the introduction of women into his male dominated sport.

What is A League of Their Own

The Triple Crown award is given to a horse that wins these three races?

What is The Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, and Belmont Stakes