ER Verbs
Possessive Adjectives
Avoir, Être, Aller
Pouvoir, Vouloir, Devoir

What does danser mean and how do you spell and pronounce it if your subject is nous

What is to dance and the nous form is dansons


What are the possessive adjectives you use when talking about yourself 

What is Mon, ma, mes


How do you say I am going to go to Paris in French

What is Je vais aller à Paris


How do you say M. Botti, you can play basketball in French

What is M. Botti, vous pouvez jouer au basket


What is Jean-Paul's best friends name

What is elle s'appelle Pascale


Translate she dances and He does not dance

What it Elle danse et Il ne danse pas


Translate I love my homework, JK translate I do not like my homework

What is Je n'aime pas mes devoirs


How do you say he is hungry in French

What is Il a faim


What does vouloir, pouvoir, et devoir mean using the subject je congregated

What is I want, I can, and I have to


Who ever choose this is lucky, you just earned the class a 1 minute water break

What is there is no answer except lez gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

How do you say I don't like Paco in French or if you do like Paco how do you say I do not hate Paco in French

What is Je n'aime pas Paco et Je ne déteste pas Paco


What are the plural forms of the possessive adjectives when you are using the subjects nous, ils/elles, et tu

What is nos, leurs, et tes


Sing the être in the correct order

What is Je suis, tu es, il est-elle est-on est, nous sommes, vous êtes, ils sont- elles sont


How do you say I want to eat his orange, but he is eating his orange

What is Je veux manger son orange, mais il mange son orange


What two body parts have hurt Jean-Paul in the 4 chapters we have read answer in French

What is his estomac et pieds


How do you say they are watching television in French

What is Ils regardent la télévision


How do you say I am eating your orange in French

What is Je mange ton orange et M. Botti, Je mange ton orange


What does J'aime bien le cours de France mean in English

What is I love the French course


How do you say I want to be able to sing

What is Je veux pouvoir chanter


What is the name of the bakery shop in chapter 4 of Jean-Paul and what are a lot of people drinking

What is Angelina's and coffee


How do you spell and pronounce manger with the subject nous

What is mangeons


Translate He has her pen and she has his pens in French

What is Il a son stylo et elle a ses stylos


How do you say they (M) are, they (F) have, and they (F) go

What is Ils sont, elles ont, et elles vont 


Can you sing the song for devoir and translate it into anglais

What is Je dois, tu dois, il-elle-on doit, nous devons, vous devez, ils-elles doivent


What does Pascale buy Jean-Paul to eat at the bakery in chapter 4

What is Quarante-cinq éclairs au chocolat; vingt-trois macarons; une glace à la fraise