These candies got their words put on them in 1866, but their original purpose was related to this medical use.
What is throat lozenges?
James 2:23 says that Abraham was called a "...friend of God", but he may not have been well received by his wife after he lied about their relationship.
Who is Sarah?
These four Bible characters would not compromise on their diet when commanded by the king of their captivity.
Who are Hananiah, Azariah and Mishael?
Boaz was known for this temperament before he was married?
What is Ruthless
Who is Ralph and Doris?
Introduced in 1860, these containers filled with chocolate now sell over 36 million per year.
What are heart shaped boxes?
This couple was odd as he is called "righteous" and she is known for being salty.
Who is Mr and Mrs Lott
This man was infamous for refusing to run on Sunday during the 1924 Olympics. He went on to become famous for winning a harder race on a different day.
Who is Eric Liddell?
This man was the Bible's first stand-up comedian.
Who is Samson? He Brought the house down.
This couple has been married for the shortest amount of time.
Who is Steven and Sarah?
Nearly 250 million of these are grown each year in preparation for Valentines day.
What is a red rose?
She said the magic words to get his attention, "I will draw water for thy camels also,...." earned this woman her husband.
Who is Rebekah?
Highlighted in Hebrews 11, this man chose "rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;...."
Who is Moses?
What is Crown Him with many Crowns?
This married couple are the most distant members of our church.
Who are Jonathan and Katrina Skean?
In America the favorite candy is a tie between Mars and Hershey with these popular chocolates.
What is Reese's and M&M's?
This couple is always found together and they helped establish at least three churches.
Who are Aquila and Priscilla?
Knowing that God wanted her in the country of China, she ignored the warnings of every mission board, counsellor, and family member and went unsupported to the mission field.
Who is Gladys Aylward? (She remained in China for 17 years. She went on to serve in Taiwan for another 12 years.)
Often found puzzling, this is the location of Solomon's temple.
What is the side of his head?
This couple met on an aircraft carrier.
Who is Mary and Bob Milroy?
This divisive candy was named "chicken feed" upon its first production.
What is candy corn?
This wicked wife and husband plotted against a man in favor with the King. Her solution was to build a gallows to hang their target.
Who is Haman and Zeresh?
This man served Paul, not regarding his own life and received a 6 verse commendation in Philippians 2.
Who is Epaphroditus?
This vehicle was known to be the favored vehicle of choice by the apostles.
What is the Accord? They worshipped in one accord.
This couple met when he was attending youth group and she was helping with it.