Barney's harmonica playing saves the town from blowing up because of this
A loaded goat
This character gave Barney a ticket
Gomer Pyle
Aunt Bea gets canning jars for her birthday instead of what she really wanted. What was it?
A bed jacket
This was Opie's nickname for Helen, when her character is intorduced
Old Lady Crump
The two rules at "The Rock"
1) Obey all Rules 2) No writing on the walls
Ernest T. Bass is passed off as Andy's cousin at a party at this person's house
Mrs. Wiley
Barney's cousin that struggles with performing tasks well when supervised
Ernest T. Bass falls in love with these 3 women (200 points for each name)
Charlene Darlin, Ramona, and Helen Crump
This early girlfriend left the show because she felt like she and Andy did not have much chemistry
Elinor Donahue/Ellie Walker
Barney arrests a man for the drugstore robbery that Andy and Ellie made up. He is from this town
This character comes to Mayberry, on a bicycle, from across the pond
Malcolm Merriweather
The Governor
The long standing feud in Mayberry was between these two families (double points for both names)
Carters and Wakefields
Thelma Lou's cousin comes to town and goes for a date with Andy. She has this special skill
She is a champion skeet shooter
This character was arrested regularly for disturbing the peace
Jim Lindsay
Leon (almost always with a sandwich)
Barney was beat out for a solo in the choir by two characters (double points if you can name both)
Rafe Hollister
Gomer Pyle
Barney claims to be a wiz at American history, but struggles to get beyond the title of this famous document
The Emancipation Proclimation
This girlfriend of Sheriff Taylor was a nurse from an aristocratic background, Opie (and I) took a real shine to her
Peggy McMillan
Otis is jailed at Andy's house because some moonshiners already have the jail filled. This group of brothers go by this surname
Dud Walsh is played by two different actors. One of them played a famous title character for this show
Gilligan's Island
Opie is accused of writing a poem about Barney on the wall of the bank. Why was he innocent?
(For double points, what was the poem)
He ain't learned to write yet.
There once was a deputy named Fife
Who carried a gun and a knife
the gun was all dusty and the knife was all rusty
cus he never caught a crook in his life
The "fun girls" brought Andy and Barney no end of problems, including a black eye for Andy. What were their names?
Skippy and Daphne
Otis has been arrested many times for "the sauce" but was arrested for one other "crime"
Hitting his mother-in-law in the mouth with a leg of lamb