Median Typical Growth after mid year diagnostic
Red STOP sign with and X
Domain shut off
Where do I find resources for Data Chats?
i-Ready Central
Changing the order of the numbers being added does not change the sum
Commutative Property
The report that shows the level of my students in reading.
Scaffolding Report
Personalized activities students can access through their dashboard for skill based fun
Learning Games
2 lessons per week in math and reading.
The amount of lessons students needs to pass each week in personalized instruction
Ready to use, small group lessons, to use with students who need support in math or reading.
Tools for Instruction
Answer to an addition problem
Report that shows the best way to form small groups of students for math or reading
Instructional Grouping Report
Growth a student needs to make in they are more than a year behind
Stretch Growth
Lessons that need to be passed in Personalized Instruction
Resources for students who come into kindergarten with deficits.
Visual representation of a part-part whole relationship of numbers
Number Bond
The report that shows what my students know and also their deficits in math after the diagnostic.
Prerequisite Report
2 or more grade levels below
A yellow triangle with an explanation point in the middle
A student needs support in a domain
Two personal growth measures
Typical and Stretch
Answer to a subtraction problem
Report that shows progress toward Typical and Stretch Growth
Diagnostic Growth Report
Growth a student needs to make if they are on grade level and want to remain on grade level
Typical Growth
30-49 minutes
The optimal time for students to be on personalized learning for each subject each week.
A reliable place to find resources to teach math and reading
Teacher Tool Box
Table used to organize numbers 1-10
Ten Frame
Reports that show an overall view of how my students are doing in Personalized Instruction
Personalized Instruction Summary