The first stop on a Forwards tour, known for being backed up
What is ISR?
This Intern runs the ISTAR instagram
These three help when you have a question on phones
Who are Jake, Jaylin and Sue?
What is the Cadaver Lab joke?
They used to run the ISLAY chat like the navy
Who is Brandon?
This is the official name of the engineering area of campus.
This intern is notorious for their booming voice on phones and presentations.
Who is Mark?
During group tours, you typically don't go into this building.
What is Lincoln Hall?
Take a first date (that's also your last) to this location.
What is the Rock Museum in the NHB?
He was rejected from 13 RSOs, but he didn't let that bring him down.
Who is John Rehn?
Sustainability, Honors, and Unit One are three examples of Living-Learning Communities on campus. How many total LLCs are there?
What is 10?
This schedule-maker frequently appears on the Illini Union Instagram page
Who is Jessie?
This is the password for the OAR iPads, derived from OAR's address.
What is 0901?
What one might think when contemplating if they should come to class.
What is No-Yes No-Yes?
Over the summer, this I-STAR created an I-STAR newsletter which discussed drama, hot takes, and news.
Who is Veena?
These three topics can be talked about ANYWHERE on the tour, as stated in the evaluation form.
What are Study Abroad, Safety, and Transportation?
This townie Intern often frequents the ACES Funk Library.
Who is Anna?
The number of the bag building room, located in the back of the Registrars Office
What is 112?
On campus, cars are a little bit like this other mode of transportation.
What is a boat?
A former summer employee, this I-STAR of Yore lives with Evelyn and plays the trombone.
Jessamine Britt
From 1947 to 1956 the English Building was formerly named _____, which is now the name of a building near the south quad.
What is Bevier Hall?
Hailing from Chicago, this is the only sophomore intern.
Who is Olivia?
This is the day of the week and time of day that Transfer tour shifts occur.
When is Fridays from 12-2?
The playground in front of the child developmental lab is not just for children, but also for this class.
Who are Freshman?
Her Campus Visit journey started in August of 2021 as an I-STAR
Who is Vivian?