to voice
your thoughts
and Feelings

Your significant other keeps comparing you to someone else. They keep saying,
“why can’t you be more like him/her?”

I feel upset/sad/angry when you are comparing me to him/her because it makes me feel like I am not good enough. What I need is for you to value me for who I am. 


You feel like your significant other always
tell you what to do, but never hear you out
when you’re trying to voice your opinion.

I feel hurt when I am not heard by you. 


Your significant other will not let you go out with friends

I feel frustrated when I'm not able to go out with my friends, as it’s important for me to have time with them


You feel like your boss is alway picking on you.

I feel frustrated when it seems like I’m being singled out by my boss


You realized that a person you do not know keeps looking at you. You feel weird about it. 

I feel uncomfortable when I notice someone I don't know looking at me


Your boss always makes you work extra hours on the weekend.

I feel overwhelmed and stressed when I'm asked to work extra hours on the weekend, as it affects my work-life balance.


During the work day, you want your significant other to message you more. However, they don't message you at all.

I feel disconnected and a bit lonely during the workday when I don't receive any messages from you, as I’d love to stay in touch


Your significant other really hates your friend Bob. Bob wants to be friends with you. You have nothing against him/her. But, you are afraid of what your significant other will do if you go to hangout with them.

I feel torn and anxious because I value my friendship with Bob, but I’m concerned about how my significant other might react if I hang out with them.


You usually like your days at work. However, there is this one person who always gets on your nerves. You think he/she is very annoying.

I feel frustrated when I'm around this person at work because their behavior often gets on my nerves, even though I generally enjoy my days at work.


You hear your coworkers make fun of a someone at work because he is unhoused.

I feel uncomfortable and upset when I hear coworkers making fun of someone who is unhoused, as it doesn’t seem respectful or kind to me


You’ve been unable to do chores around the house due to other obligations. Your significant other is off of work and does not help pitch in when they are able to.

I feel overwhelmed and frustrated when I’m unable to keep up with the chores, and I’d really appreciate it if you could help out when you’re free.


Your significant other's car broke down and they want to bring it to the shop to get fixed. You told them that you know how and would like to fix it. They insist they will take it to the shop.

I feel a bit disappointed when you insist on taking the car to the shop because I’m confident I can fix it and would like the opportunity to try


You have to host family at your house and need help tidying up. However, you end up doing most of the tidying up with no help from your partner.

I feel frustrated when I have to do most of the tidying up on my own, especially when I was hoping for your help to prepare for the family visit


You and you friend have made plans to hang out next weekend. An hour before you are supposed to meet, your significant other decided to start a fight about it. 

I feel frustrated and upset when plans with my friend are interrupted by a fight, especially when I’ve been looking forward to spending time with them. Can we finish this conversation later? 


You are standing in line. A person cuts in front of you.

I feel irritated when someone cuts in front of me in line, as I believe it’s important to respect everyone’s place


You decided to share your biggest secret to your significant other. But, they told your secret to people you do not like.

I feel betrayed when my secret was shared with people I don’t trust, especially after I confided in you


A friend has asked you to borrow $5 for gas money. Every time you lend them $5, you don’t get paid back, so this time you say no. They get angry and start to yell at you.

I feel uncomfortable and frustrated when I’m asked to lend money and not get paid back, which is why I had to say no this time

Your significant other comes home in a bad mood and begins to yell at you about other things in the house. 

I feel upset and hurt when I’m yelled at, especially when it’s about things that may not be my fault. What is really going on?


You keep hearing someone you don't like talking behind your back.

I feel frustrated and hurt when I hear that someone is talking behind my back, as it makes me feel disrespected.


You come home from work after a long day and your significant other isn't home and did not tell you they would be gone. You try to call them but they won't answer. They get home two hours later.

I felt scared and frustrated when I came home after a long day and you were not here, especially when I couldn’t reach you and didn’t know where you were. Can we try to be better about letting each other know what is going on?