humans domain
what does birdy do when cold
fluf feathers
what will raties do i corrnerd
if animal is sick whart dos body do
bleah im dead
whos a sigma
diff from prokaryoitism, atisum, and eukaryoticism
one has a nucleus, on is autistic, and one doesnt have a nuckeus,
what causes intrernal changes
growth sperit, woman(for brad dad), depression, pewbirty
why is antolope running at lion
its a stupid antolope
what are interner staeriods/stimulie
somthin iside
why is brad brain damageded
because he hit a fence when bicking and playing pokemon go
archeaeaeae, bacteriia, eukaryoticas
what what causes external changes
nuke, hitler, pew pews, eatchquakes
what do stressed bares do
raar I raar Will raar Eat raaar YOU RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR
if mr lemkes doggies eat somthing bad what happens
why is bradly more brain damadged
he was playing pokemon go at football practice and got ran over
name all the kingdoms
archeaa, bacteria, prostitsa, fungi, plantis, animalias
what is stimulisism
an inside or outside thing that causes a change in behavior
what is stress
dogs or cats
why does braddad play pokemojn go still
hes brain damadegd dumbo
humans family
what is homiostatisism
maintiang a stabkle inside inviorment
what does squiril do when hearing loud noises
stop freeze
what r mr lemkes dogies named
y would i know, and u got it wrong anyway
whats brads fav game on his cumputer
blocky blast