Text Questions
Determine THeme
Implicitly & Explicitly
Concept Vocabulary
Figurative Language

The speaker walks down the streets with her fists clenched. She compares herself to a “stubborn weed” that will persevere to overcome obstacles such as “watering myself whatever way I could.”

The speaker walks down the streets with her fists clenched. She compares herself to a “stubborn weed” that will persevere to overcome obstacles such as “watering myself whatever way I could.”


One theme of ―I Was a Skinny Tomboy Kid‖ is being different can be difficult. Which of the following is more likely another possible theme of the poem?

a. Childhood can be a confusing time, but if you try too hard to fit in, you might lose sight of who you really are.

b. Society has ideas about how boys and girls are ―supposed‖ to act, but individuals may not fit into those roles


b. Society has ideas about how boys and girls are ―supposed‖ to act, but individuals may not fit into those roles


A true friend is there for you when you need him or her.



The central character of a literary work.

Protagonist or Antogonist



What is the figurative language used?

I grew like a thin, stubborn weed



Assess: How does the speaker change her opinion of what being a girl means?

The speaker is at first angry and tense and associates the feeling of helplessness with being a girl. However, she changes her mind when she realizes that her mother is not as helpless as she had thought. The speaker sees how her mother is strong enough to “keep standing where she was.”


Provide an example from the text that supports the theme you identified in Question 1

Possible response: The speaker bikes to the ocean, goes fishing, and sells her catch dressed as a boy.


When I had to miss school due to illness, Maya brought me notes every day after school. Even though it took time away from her afterschool activities, Maya explained what I missed in class and helped me stay on track.


  • the way in which an author reveals a viewpoint or perspective through characters, ideas, events, and/or narration.

    • Second person: the narrator uses second-person pronouns such as you, your, and yours to tell the story.

    • Third person limited: the narrator uses third-person pronouns such as they, she, and he to tell the story from one character’s perspective.

Third person omniscient: the narrator uses third-person pronouns such as they, she, and he to tell the story from two or more characters’ perspectives.

Point of view


What is the figurative language used?

The flowers danced in the breeze



Make a Judgment Do you think the speaker believes it when she tells herself, “it’s o.k.

Yes, the speaker believes it. She sees that her mother had the “guts” to overcome difficulties, and reminds herself to consider “who I’m protecting.”


Look at lines 53–55 of the poem. Why does the speaker vow ―to never / grow up / to be a woman‖?

Possible response: As a child, the speaker viewed her mother as being helpless.


veryone kept saying I needed to upgrade my phone. “That thing's a dinosaur,” they said. “The new phones have awesome new features.” So, I broke down and spent a lot of money on a new phone. But when I started using the new phone, I found that I didn't need or use the features that everyone talked about.



a struggle or clash between opposing characters, forces, or emotions.

  • External: a character’s struggle with an outside force such as another person, nature, disease, etc.

  • Internal: a character’s opposing or incompatible emotions, choices, etc.



Deshawn’s new job is a rollercoaster



Analyze: The speaker sees herself as “growing like a thin, stubborn weed.” How does this comparison contribute to the idea of overcoming challenges?

Students might respond that the speaker considered herself resilient and tough, just like a stubborn weed that keeps growing


What does the speaker realize about her mother later in life that supports the following possible theme? Sometimes, age and life experience are needed for a clearer understanding of our lives.

Possible response: The speaker realizes later in life that her mother had “guts,” or courage.


New technology is not the same as progress. Just because new tools allow us to perform new tasks, it doesn’t mean the tasks are always worth doing



The process by which a writer reveals the personality of a character. 

Characterization or Personification



In the sunlight, the snow crystals sparkled like diamonds.
