Name that Objective
Main Idea
Context Clues
Character Traits

What the story is mainly about.

What is Main Idea or Central Idea


Some types of roller coasters use magnets to make them stop. Strong magnets are put into both the coaster and the end of the track. As the coaster approaches the end of the track, the attracting forces of the magnet bring it to a gentle stop.

What is the Main Idea of this paragraph?

What are magnets help roller coasters stop.


Mara worried that the kids at school would make fun of her new glasses. She did not want to be mocked just for having poor vision.

What does the word mocked mean as used in this paragraph?

What is teased, made fun of?


Bryan pushed the little kid to the floor because he got in his way.

What is mean, rude, etc


These support the main idea. There must be at least 3 of them and they come straight from the text.

What is a key detail or supporting detail?


Photos and Captions

Bold Print Words



What are text features


Giant pandas are losing their habitats. Giant pandas live in bamboo forests in China. The average giant panda eats about 30 pounds of bamboo each day. Unfortunately, the forests are being cut down and the giant panda is endangered.

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

What is why the giant panda is endangered.


No one lived in the old house. The paint was peeling and the yard was overgrown. It had been vacant for a long time.

What clues in this paragraph help you know what the word vacant means?

What is "No one lived"


Angelica posted lost dog signs all over her neighborhood and called everyone she knew. She was not going to lose her dog forever.

What is determined?


To make an inference, we combine these two things.

What is Schema and Text.


Clues used to find the meaning of an unknown word.

What is Context Clues.


Most animals do not recognize themselves in a mirror. They think that the reflection is another animal. Some animals that do recognize themselves are elephants, dolphins, chimps and great apes.

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

What is most animals don't recognize themselves when looking in a mirror?


Ben ate three pieces of cake and two scoops of ice cream. An hour later, his stomach felt queasy and he decided to lie down for awhile.

What does the word queasy mean based off this paragraph?

What is sick?


Adrian is always asking questions. He wants to know all about how things work and why things are the way they are.

What is curious?


These are the three must haves in a summary. Usually shortened as BME.

What is beginning, middle, end?


A retell of important events in order of which they happened.

What is Summary.


Before toothbrushes were invented, people used natural objects to clean their teeth. People cleaned their teeth with small twigs. This must not have been very helpful. The first toothbrush were made from bones and bristles from boars, horsehairs, or even feathers. I'm definitely glad we don't use that anymore. Today, the bristles on most toothbrushes are made from nylon. Way better cleaning for your teeth.

Name one key detail that matches the main idea "What toothbrushes were made of throughout the years."

What is "People used natural objects to clean their teeth."

What is "People cleaned their teeth with small twigs."

What is "The first toothbrush were made from bones and bristles from boars, horsehairs, or even feathers."

What is "Today, the bristles on most toothbrushes are made from nylon."


The sun was low in the sky. Everyone was packing up and getting ready to go home because the park would close at dusk.

What clues help you know the meaning of dusk?

What is "Sun was low in the sky?"


Ana always tells the truth. She never cheats on her tests or homework. When the check out lady at the store gave her too much change, Ana gave the extra back.

What is honest?

Every time we answer a question, there should be __________ to support our answer.

What is evidence?


The lesson learned from a fiction story.

What is Theme.


A shark may have up to 3,000 teeth at one time. That's way more than a person would ever have. Shark teeth grow in rows. When a shark loses a tooth, it is replaced by a new tooth from the row behind it. This probably comes in handy when they get their teeth stuck in their food. A shark may have over 20,000 teeth over the course of its life. 

What key details supports the idea that "Sharks have a lot of teeth."

What is "A shark may have up to 3,000 teeth at one time."

What is "When a shark loses a tooth, it is replaced by a new tooth from the row behind it."

What is "A shark my have over 20,000 teeth over the course of its life."


Maria checked her numbers one last time. She wanted her report to be accurate so that her boss would know she had done a good job.

What does the word accurate mean?

What is correct?


Lucy's room looks like it was hit by a tornado. There are dirty clothes all over the floor. Her desk is covered with papers, candy wrappers, and soda cans. Even her bed is a mountain of clothes, pillows, and stuffed animals.

What is Messy?


These are ways to be prepared for the IA tomorrow and Wednesday.

What is go to sleep early?

What is eat a good breakfast?

What is study?

What is get to school on time?/Log onto the computer on time?