Main Idea

A topic is...

who or what a passage is about.


What is the defination of theme?

Theme is the message or lesson the author wants readers to learn about life and/or the world. 


What does each letter of RACIE stand for?



Cite Evidence 

Infer based on evidence 

Explain how your evidence connects to your answer. 

What are the two things we need to do to organize the text before we start reading?

- Number the paragraphs

- Chunk the text 


What is the definition of main idea?

A central idea, also known as a main idea, is what a text is MOSTLY about. It is what the author wants to teach or tell readers about a topic.


Which of the following are examples of a theme?

A. You can accomplish anything you put your main to.

B. Study guides can help you prepare for an exam. 

C. Love is greater than hate. 

D. TikTok is a popular social media app.

A. You can accomplish anything you put your main to.

C. Love is greater than hate. 


How much evidence should a short response have?

Two or more.


How many setences should be highlighted max per paragraphs?

2 or 3.



What are clues that can help us determine the topic of a text (who or what the text is about)?

- Titles and Headings 

- Picture 

- Captions 

- Sidebars 

- Maps 

-Repeated Words


What are the FOUR question we ask to help use identify the theme of a text?

  • What problems do characters face? 

  • How does the character react to or solve that challenge? 

  • What lesson does the character learn or how do they change or grow?

  • Finally, ask what lesson can readers (we) learn from the text? What lesson from the story can we apply to our own lives?



How do we cite evidence correctly?


- quotation marks " " and paragraph numbers.

- Details/Evidence should be copied word by word from the text (do not change the author's words).

[Double Points] When citing evidence from more than one passage, add the title of the text! Which story did you get your evidence from?


What is chunking? Why do we chunk a text? 

Chucking is drawing lines to split the text into smaller parts. 

Chunking reminds us to stop, highlight, and summarize what we are reading in the margings.


What are the 3 steps for identifying the main idea? 

Step 1: Determine the TOPIC of the passage. Who or what a passage is about?

Step 2: Look for FACTS about the TOPIC. What are facts, examples, and information the author provides about the topic?

Step 3: Use these facts and information to determine the MAIN IDEA. What is the author MOSTLY trying to teach or tell us about the topic?



It was a beautiful spring day. The grasshopper was flitting about, enjoying himself, when he crossed paths with an ant. The ant was working very hard, carrying bits of food deep down into his anthill. “Why are you working so hard?” The grasshopper said. “I want to have plenty to eat,” the ant replied. The grasshopper laughed. “Plenty to eat!” he cried. “Why there is food everywhere that you look!” “That’s true,” the ant said. “There is enough food for today. But there will come a day when it won’t be true.” The grasshopper hopped away, not wanting to bother with the morose little ant. 

Soon spring gave way to summer, summer to fall, and fall to winter. When the fields were covered with snow, the ant sat far down in his anthill, safe and warm, his stomach full, confident that he had enough to eat to see him through the winter. The grasshopper, who had not made any preparations for winter, shivered, and went from one friend to another begging for food and feeling very foolish indeed.

What's the theme? 

- Be prepared 

- Work hard for what you want 

-You've gotta help yourself because people are not always going to be there for you.


What is an inference?

An educated guess based on evidence and our background knowledge.

What are the three things we do when we preview a text?

- Preview the title, heading, and pictures

- Read the question and answer choices 

- Underline important words in the question


What is the main idea of the following passage and what are TWO details that support the main idea? 

Thunderstorms are dangerous. Every thunderstorm contains lightning, and lightning kills more people each year than tornadoes or hurricanes! Do you know what to do to remain safe during a thunderstorm? First, go inside a sturdy building or a vehicle and close the windows. Furthermore, the National Weather Service recommends that you stay inside for at least thirty minutes after the last rumble of thunder is heard. Do not use telephones or electrical equipment. Avoid taking showers or baths. If you are unable to get safely inside a building, avoid taking cover beneath tall, isolated trees. Also avoid water, high ground, and metal objects. Knowing what to do (and what not to do) during a thunderstorm could save your life.

How to stay safe during a thunderstorm. 


Which sentence expresses a theme of "Gregor and the Sheep"?

A Big loss can come from being greedy.

B Family can make hard times seem easier.

C Wealth may come from hard work.

D Appreciating others can lead to happiness.

Big loss can come from being greedy.


What are some ways we can make inferences?

  • Connect the evidence to yourself 

  • Connect the evidence to something that you know from the world

  • Make an educated guess on what characters might be thinking or feeling 

  • Make an educated guess about what might happen next or why something might be happening in the text.



When evaluting mutiple choice questions, what are three ways we should mark up the question?
  • X out incorrect answers 

  • Label with an ‘M’ maybe answers 

  • [Double Points] Provide paragraph number for the evidence that helped you answer the question