Intro to IA
Social theories
Foreign Policy and Conflict

A government, a population, and an identifiable territory

What are the three components to a nation-state?


Not complete chaos but the lack of a central government that can enforce rules in international politics

What is anarchy?


A political and economic situation in which two states are simultaneously dependent on each other for their well-being

What is interdependence?

The development and implementation of peaceful strategies for settling conflicts

What is conflict resolution?


A war between factions within a state trying to create, or prevent, a new government for the entire state or some territorial part of it

What is a civil war?


An organization whose members are states

What are IGOs?


A situation modeled by game theory in which rational actors pursuing their individual interests all achieve worse outcomes than they could have by working together

What is the Prisoner's Dilemma?


The proposition that democracies almost never fight wars against each other

What is the democratic peace theory?


A theory that examines how changing international norms and actors' identities help shape the content of state interests

What is constructivism?


An intentional and systematic attempt to destroy a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group, in whole or in part

What is genocide?

Systemic, state, individual
What are the levels of analysis?

The use of trade tariffs and other means in favor of domestic industries against international competition

What is protectionism?


The shared expectations about what behavior is considered proper

What are norms?

Economic and social theory that emphasizes exploitation and class struggle

What is Marxism?


The public's increased support for government leaders during wartime at least in the short term

What is "rally 'round the flag"?


A state's right to do whatever it wants within its own territory

What is sovereignty?


Opposition to free trade; each state must protect its own interests without seeking mutual gains through international organizations

What is mercantilism?


The set of principles, norms, rules and procedures that international actors converge around; when formalized, can sometimes lead to the creation of an IGO

What is an international regime?


The idea that the greater the interaction between in-group and out-group members, the less prejudice exhibited by the in-group

What is intergroup contact theory?


A form of nationalism whose goal is to regain territory lost to another state; it can lead directly to violent interstate conflicts

What is irridentism?


A formal agreement between nations that specifies mutual obligations regarding national security

What is a military alliance?


1) State is principal actor in IR

2) State is unitary actor

3) State acts rationally

4) Primacy of national security

What are the four main assumptions of realism?


1) Republican constitutions

2) Commercial spirit of international trade

3) Federation of interdependent republics

What is the Kantian Tripod?


An improvement on the classic prisoner's dilemma that demonstrates how repeated contact increases the shadow of the future and states begin to cooperate/trust more

What is the iterated prisoner's dilemma?


A decision-making theory that holds that options are assessed by comparison to a reference point, which is often the status quo but might be some past or expected situation. The model also holds that decision makers fear losses more than they value gains.

What is prospect theory?